Finland: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 64.77323 / longitude: 25.33496

General information


You can find some UNESCO listed places: Bronze Age Burial Site of Sammallahdenmäki, Old Rauma, Fortress of Suomenlinna, Petäjävesi Old Church, Verla Groundwood and Board Mill. Interesting food you need to try here: Karjalanpaisti, Mämmi, Sautéed reindeer.


In 2021 the GDP was $297,301,883,523 USD, placing it at position 44 in the market. You need to pay 5.25€ (corresponding to $5.38 USD) for a Big Mac at McDonald's ©. The local currency (EUR) is represented by the symbol €.


The inhabitants attend school for 19 years (tertiary education included). This country offers several reputable universities like University of Helsinki, Aalto University, University of Turku, Tampere University, University of Oulu.


There are 5,498,450 people here, or 0.074% of the world's population. 42.80 years is the median age in this country and the birth growth rate is at 0.22%.


The area of the country is 338,424 km², a postcode system is employed and the main cities are: Espoo, Mikkeli, Helsinki, Vantaa, Savonlinna. The capital of this country is Helsinki and the country has a border with Norway, Sweden, Russia. People from this country speak these languages: Finnish, Swedish.

Good to know

The country's ISO code is FI, the country's websites have the domain name ".fi", phone numbers start with +358 Check out for more information about this nation.


ISO code FI
Capital Helsinki
Population 5,498,450
World percentage 0.074%
Median age 42.80 years
Population growth rate 0.22%
Main cities
Spoken languages Finnish, Swedish
GDP (2021) $297,301,883,523
GDP position #44
Big Mac local price 5.25€
Big Mac USD price $5.38
Currency code EUR
Currency symbol
School life expectancy 19 years
National dish Karjalanpaisti, Mämmi, Sautéed reindeer
TLD .fi
Phone prefix +358

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