Faroe Islands: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 61.89293 / longitude: -6.97242

General information


With a birth growth rate at 0.63%, the median age is 37.20 years. Around 49,755 people live in this country, or 0.0007% of all people on earth.


The local currency (DKK) is represented by the symbol kr. In 2021 the GDP was $3,649,886,275 USD, which ranks it number 149 in the world.


Tórshavn serves as this nation's capital. Country territory measures 1,393 km², a postcode system is employed and the main cities are: Tórshavn, Klaksvík, Hoyvík, Miðvágur, Sørvágur. People from this country speak these languages: Danish, Faroese.

Good to know

The domain name ".fo" is used by the country's websites, the country's ISO code is FO, telephone numbers begin with +298 Check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faroe_Islands for more information about this nation.


ISO code FO
Capital Tórshavn
Population 49,755
World percentage 0.0007%
Median age 37.20 years
Population growth rate 0.63%
Main cities
Spoken languages Danish, Faroese
GDP (2021) $3,649,886,275
GDP position #149
Currency code DKK
Currency symbol kr
TLD .fo
Phone prefix +298
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faroe_Islands
