Norway: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 64.57194 / longitude: 17.92451

General information


323,802 km² make up the entire country, they use a postcode system and the key cities are: Oslo, Stavanger, Trondheim, Skien, Sandnes. Oslo is the nation's capital and the country has a border with Finland, Sweden, Russia. People from this country speak these languages: Norwegian Nynorsk, Bokmål, Norwegian, Sami languages.


The local currency (NOK) is represented by the symbol kr. The price for a Big Mac in this country is 62.00kr (corresponding to $6.26 USD). The GDP in 2021 was $482,174,854,481 USD, making it the 28# country in the world.


Interesting food you need to try here: Fårikål. There are UNESCO listed sites: Røros Mining Town and the Circumference, Urnes Stave Church, Bryggen, Rock Art of Alta, Vegaøyan -- The Vega Archipelago.


This country offers several reputable universities like University of Oslo, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Bergen, University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway, Norwegian University of Life Sciences. The inhabitants attend school for 18 years (tertiary education included).


With a birth growth rate at 0.79%, the median age is 39.50 years. There are 5,236,826 people here, or 0.07% of the world's population.

Good to know is a good place to find out more details on this country. The country's websites have the domain name ".no", the country's ISO code is NO, telephone numbers begin with +47


ISO code NO
Capital Oslo
Population 5,236,826
World percentage 0.07%
Median age 39.50 years
Population growth rate 0.79%
Main cities
Spoken languages Norwegian Nynorsk, Bokmål, Norwegian, Sami languages
GDP (2021) $482,174,854,481
GDP position #28
Big Mac local price 62.00kr
Big Mac USD price $6.26
Currency code NOK
Currency symbol kr
School life expectancy 18 years
National dish Fårikål
TLD .no
Phone prefix +47


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