Anthisnes 4160

Addresses in Anthisnes (Hoei / Huy), as which has 4,189 inhabitants in an area 37.3 km² with more women (50.8%) than men in this agglomeration. The average age of the inhabitants is about 41 years, they are mainly owners (79%) in their homes and have an average per capita income of 19,898 € net per year. There is an average of 1.5 cars per household and is therefore above the average in Belgium (1.3).

Citizens come from the following countries:
- 96.9% Belgium
- 0.6% France
- 0.5% Portugal
- 0.5% Italy
- 0.4% Romania
- 0.2% Netherlands
- 0.1% Spain
- 0.7% Other

In Anthisnes, the first names you will hear the most in women are Marie, Isabelle, Nathalie, Véronique and Catherine and for men you will regularly come across Jean, Philippe, Michel, Pierre and Frédéric.

In general, the accommodation you will find in Anthisnes has 6.2 rooms is higher than the Belgian average (6). On average, buildings were built around 1924 and the breakdown is as follows: 96.3% houses and 3.7% apartment buildings.

The different types of buildings are distributed as follows:
- 47.1% open type houses, farms, castles
- 32.9% semi-closed type houses
- 14.4% houses of the closed type
- 3.6% buildings and flat blocks
- 1.1% commercial houses
- 1% other types of buildings

The municipality of Anthisnes has different companies on its territory, here are the most common areas:
- 24 companies active in "landscape service activities"
- 18 companies active in "mixed farming"
- 14 firms active in "electrical installation"
- 12 firms active in "hairdressing and other beauty treatment"
- 9 firms present in "business and other management consultancy activities"
- 9 companies active in "architectural activities"

The motorway A26 / E25 (Liège - Bastogne - Neufchâteau) is easily accessible to the residents of Anthisnes: 20 minutes drive is enough from the centre. In addition, there is also access to the A15 / E42 motorway. (La Louvière - Charleroi - Namur - Liège) to 21 minutes.

In Anthisnes, you will also have access to these main roads:
- N638

The commune has a large surface area: 1 SPAR.

As far as children are concerned, the municipality has 2 nurseries (for example: the nursery "Crèche L'Enfant In" or also "A. M."), 4 nursery schools ("Ecole Fondamentale Communale" or "Ecole Fondamentale Communale"), 4 primary schools (examples: "Ecole Fondamentale Libre Saint-Maximin" or "Ecole Fondamentale Communale") but no secondary school.

Anthisnes is served by 4 lines of bus including these lines:
- Bus TEC, Line 90: Liège-Ougrée-Boncelles-Anthisnes-Ouffet-Warzée
- Bus TEC, Line 92: Warzée - Hody - Anthisnes - Comblain
- Bus TEC, Line 93: Esneux - Tavier - Warzée
- Bus TEC, Line 97: Huy - Strée - Ouffet - Hamoir

The nearest stations to the centre of the town are "Comblain-La-Tour", "Rivage", "Poulseur", "Hamoir", "Esneux".

There is no known charging station in the municipality.

In 28 minutes by car or 141 minutes by public transport, the nearest airport is Liège Airport.

The commune has no shared bicycles in its territory at the moment. Anthisnes has no shared cars at the moment.

Chemin des Patars
Cour Saint-Laurent
Rue Eugène Renard
Rue du Tige
Chemin dèl Haye Li Dame
Rue de l'Ourthe
Rue de Mont
La Chapelle
La Ramée
Al Bégasse
Avenue de l'Abbaye
La Rock
Les Floxhes
Place de l'Eglise
Tiyou d'Hestreu
Rue dèl Creû
Rue des Carrières
Rue des Ecoles
Rue des Martyrs
Rue des Mésanges
Rue des Pierrys
Rue des Stepennes
Rue du Vieux-Château
Rue du Village
Rue Elva
Rue Falloise
Voie dèl Rôlire
Voie di Mèsse
Rue du Baty
Basse Voie
Place des Etangs
Place du Vieux-Château
Route de Villers
Route dèl Baraque Boulet
Carrefour John Kennedy
Chaussée de Liège
Chemin de l'Essartage
Chemin del Haye des Sarts
Rue Fecher
Route des Moulins
Rue Achille Lejeune
Rue Arthur Piroton
Rue aux Haies
Rue du Centre
Rue du Faustay
Rue du Moulin
Rue du Pas Bayard
Rue du Sacy
Rue du Thier
Rue Fond de Chainay
Rue Henri Fays
Rue Hubert Delvenne
Rue Pirûtchamps
Rue Pré d'el Cour
Rue du Val
Chemin d'Hérêye
Chemin du Fostin
Chemin du Moulin
Rue Belle Vue
Rue Croix Henrion
Rue de la Brassine
Chemin du Paradis
Chemin du Sârtê
Cour des Mâh'nedjes
Dans les Cours
Rue Saint-Donat
Rue Saint-Roch
Rue de la Bruyère
Rue de la Citadelle
Rue de la Fontaine
Rue de la Libération
Rue Targnon
Rue Vieux Tige
Rue Vinâve
Ruelle Colèt
So lès Beurs
Thier des Vignes
Ferme du Sart
Rue de la Magrée
Rue de la Xhavée
Rue de l'Eglise
Rue Christian Fagnant
Grand Route
Grand Route de Liège
Rue Jean Damard
Chemin dèl Haye Sitiène
Cour d'Omalius
Clos du Noû Pré
Tige de Xhos
Rue Guillaume Natalis
Rue des Pommiers

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