Ellezelles 7890

Addresses in Ellezelles / Elzele (Aat / Ath) where 5,975 inhabitants are distributed over 45.1 km² with more women (50.6%) than men in this agglomeration. The inhabitants are mostly owners (81%) from their homes, they have an average age close to 42 years and their average income is 18,365€ net per year. The households own about 1.4 cars is higher than the Belgian average (1.3).

The most represented nationalities are the following:
- 97.2% Belgium
- 1.4% France
- 0.2% Italy
- 0.2% Spain
- 0.2% Netherlands
- 0.1% Romania
- 0.1% Morocco
- 0.7% Other

Marie, Nathalie, Isabelle, Martine and Anne are the first names you will come across the most in Ellezelles / Elzele for men and Jean, Philippe, André, Michel and Marc for women.

On average, the homes you come across in Ellezelles / Elzele will have 6.5 rooms and is therefore above the average in Belgium (6). With regard to the age of the buildings, they were built around 1925 and the dwellings in the municipality are distributed as follows: 3.1% apartment buildings and 96.9% houses.

The breakdown by type of building is as follows:
- 69.5% open type houses, farms, castles
- 17.6% semi-closed type houses
- 8.1% houses of the closed type
- 3% buildings and flat blocks
- 1.1% commercial houses
- 0.7% other types of buildings

Multiple companies are located in Ellezelles / Elzele and work in these fields:
- 78 firms active in "mixed farming"
- 23 corporations present in "business and other management consultancy activities"
- 23 companies present in "hairdressing and other beauty treatment"
- 18 firms present in "landscape service activities"
- 12 companies present in "electrical installation"
- 12 companies present in "joinery installation"

Living in Ellezelles / Elzele, you will not be far from an entrance to the A8 / E429 - E42 (Halle - Tournai - (Lille, France)) motorway, which is 15 minutes by car from the centre of the town. An entrance for the A16 / E42 motorway (Mons - Tournai) is also accessible in 22 minutes.

In Ellezelles / Elzele, you will also have access to these main roads:
- N48
- N57
- N519
- N520
- N529

For your daily shopping, you will find the following shop: 1 Colruyt.

In terms of children's facilities, the municipality offers 4 nurseries ("P. W." or "M. B." for example), 3 nursery schools ("Ecole Fondamentale Autonome De Flobecq" or "Ecole Communale Fondamentale"), 3 primary schools (e.g. school "Ecole Saint-Joseph" or "Ecole Fondamentale Autonome De Flobecq") but no secondary school.

You will find 8 lines of bus different lines that stop in Ellezelles / Elzele:
- Bus De Lijn, Line 21: Jeuk - Montenaken
- Bus De Lijn, Line 22: UZA - Valaar - Groenplaats
- Bus De Lijn, Line 24: Tienen - Neerlinter - Ransberg - Kortenaken
- Bus TEC, Line 10: Saint-Ghislain - Herchies
- Bus TEC, Line 87: Ronse/Renaix - Enghien/Edingen

The nearest stations to the centre of the town are "Renaix / Ronse", "Lessines / Lessen", "Rebaix", "Papignies / Papegem", "Houraing".

Ellezelles / Elzele offers solutions for electric vehicles: 2 stations allow you to recharge your electric car.

The best placed airport in relation to the municipality is "Wevelgem Airport". It is 62 minutes by public transport or 40 minutes by car.

We are not aware of the existence of shared bicycles in this commune. Ellezelles / Elzele has no shared cars on its territory.

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New addresses: Belgium