Froidchapelle 6440

Addresses in Froidchapelle (Thuin) where 3,959 inhabitants are distributed over 86.5 km² with a higher proportion of men (50.2%) than women in this municipality. The inhabitants are mostly owners (71%) from their homes, they have an average age close to 42 years and their average income is 15,606€ net per year. There is an average of 1.2 cars per household is lower than the national average (1.3).

The most represented nationalities are the following:
- 97.1% Belgium
- 1.1% France
- 0.8% Italy
- 0.3% Spain
- 0.2% Romania
- 0.1% Thailand
- 0.1% Netherlands
- 0.4% Other

The most common first names for women in Froidchapelle are Marie, Isabelle, Anne, Nathalie and Catherine and the most common first names for men are Jean, Michel, Philippe, Alain and Pascal.

On average, the homes you come across in Froidchapelle will have 5.7 rooms is lower than the national average (6). With regard to the age of the buildings, they were built around 1943 and the dwellings in the municipality are distributed as follows: 8.4% apartment buildings and 91.6% houses.

The breakdown by type of building is as follows:
- 41.6% other types of buildings
- 31.3% open type houses, farms, castles
- 14.4% semi-closed type houses
- 6.1% houses of the closed type
- 4.8% buildings and flat blocks
- 1.8% commercial houses

Multiple companies are located in Froidchapelle and work in these fields:
- 57 corporations in the field "mixed farming"
- 18 companies in the field "restaurants and mobile food service activities"
- 14 firms in the domain "hairdressing and other beauty treatment"
- 9 corporations in the field "construction of residential and non-residential buildings"
- 8 firms present in "roofing activities"
- 8 firms active in "beverage serving activities"

Residents of Froidchapelle benefit from an entrance to the A54 / E420 (Nivelles - Charleroi) motorway: it is a 37 minute drive from the centre. The highway A15 / E42 (La Louvière - Charleroi - Namur - Liège) also has an access that can be reached in 41 minutes.

You will have easy access to the following roads in Froidchapelle:
- N40
- N53
- N589a
- N589
- N599

The following shops are located in the town: 1 Louis Delhaize and 1 SPAR.

If you have children or are planning to have children, you should know that the commune does not have nurseries, 4 nursery schools ("Ecole Fondamentale Communale" or "Ecole Communale Du Crochet"), 4 primary schools ("Ecole Communale Du Crochet" or "Ecole Communale Du Crochet" for example) but no secondary school.

You will find 8 lines of bus different lines that stop in Froidchapelle:
- Bus TEC, Line 109a: Charleroi - Beaumont - Chimay
- Bus TEC, Line 132c: Walcourt - Froidchapelle - Chimay
- Bus TEC, Line 136c: Chimay - Cerfontaine
- Bus TEC, Line 136d: Florennes - Philippeville - Rance
- Bus TEC, Line Rbus: Walcourt - Froidchapelle

The nearest stations to the centre of the town are "Walcourt", "Pry", "Mariembourg", "Philippeville", "Yves-Gomezée".

There is no known charging station in the municipality.

The nearest airport is "Brussels South Charleroi Airport" and is 40 minutes away by car or 125 minutes by public transport.

The commune has no shared bicycles in its territory at the moment. Froidchapelle has no shared cars at the moment.

Rue de Barbençon
Rue de Castillon
Rue de Chonrieux
Rue de Féronval
Rue de Fontenelle
Rue de Fourbechies
Hameau de Falemprise
Hameau du Badon
Hameau du Poncia
Les Haiewys
Parc Résidentiel Le Bosquet
Parc Résidentiel Le Chénia
Rue de Froidchapelle
Rue de Hernoy
Rue de la Ferme de Septannes
Rue de la Ferme Lambotte
Parc Résidentiel Le Cul de Cheval
Place Albert 1er
Route de la Plate Taille
Rue Basse
Rue Cevière
Rue de la Fontaine au Bois
Rue de la Grattière
Rue de la Jumelle
Rue de la Pierraille
Rue Champ de Rance
Rue Ciernaux
Rue Crossart
Rue de la Poterie
Rue de la Queue de l'Herse
Rue de la Queue de Rance
Rue du Fronia
Rue du Général Galet
Rue du Gouty
Rue du Pont des Hamaides
Rue du Troupeau
Rue du Bois le Comte
Rue du Bosquet
Rue Gossec
Rue Laisette
Rue Notre-Dame de Lumière
Rue de Sautizelle
Rue du Champ Colin
Rue du Champ de la Truie
Rue de Virelles
Rue d'Erpion
Rue du Champ du Four
Rue de la Ronce
Rue Paye à Fait
Rue Praye
Rue Prestemont
Rue Renault
Rue Saint-Hubert
Rue Toffaite
Rue Tourette
Rue du Chant des Oiseaux
Rue du Château
Rue du Fond des Herbes
Rue du Four à Verre
Rue de la Station
Rue de la Tourpène
Rue des Arzières
Rue des Carrières
Rue des Censes
Rue des Combattants
Rue Vigneron
Rue Vivier
Ruelle Catton
Rue de l'Ermitage
Rue de Manensart
Rue de Mariembourg
Terne du Prince
Terne Gilot
Rue de Martinsart
Rue des Fosses au Sable
Rue des Martyrs
Rue des Prisonniers
Rue des Ruelles
Rue du Grandriau
Rue du Haut Marteau
Rue du Logis Goutte
Rue du Marais
Rue du Milombois
Rue du Moulin
Rue du Paradis
Rue du Pont Alsort
Rue du Pont de Pierre
Rue de Massut
Rue d'Hurtaux
Rue de Oupia
Rue du Bois Brûlé
Rue du Bois du Four
Rue Terniau
Chaussée de Beaumont

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