Villers-le-Bouillet 4530

Addresses in Villers-Le-Bouillet (Hoei / Huy), as which has 6,496 inhabitants in an area 32.9 km² with fewer men than women (51%). The inhabitants are mainly owners (78%) from their homes, they have an average age close to 39 years and their average income is 20,585€ net per year. There is an average of 1.5 cars per household and is therefore above the average in Belgium (1.3).

The most represented nationalities are the following:
- 97.1% Belgium
- 1% France
- 0.9% Italy
- 0.2% Spain
- 0.1% Romania
- 0.1% Morocco
- 0.1% Tunisia
- 0.5% Other

Jean, Philippe, Michel, Nicolas and Frédéric are the most common first names for men in Villers-Le-Bouillet and Marie, Anne, Nathalie, Isabelle and Véronique for women.

In general, the accommodation you will find in Villers-Le-Bouillet has 6.5 rooms is higher than the Belgian average (6). With regard to the age of the buildings, they were built around 1931 and the dwellings in the municipality are distributed as follows: 5.8% apartment buildings and 94.2% houses.

More specifically, here is the breakdown by type of building:
- 52.3% open type houses, farms, castles
- 30.3% semi-closed type houses
- 10.2% houses of the closed type
- 5.7% buildings and flat blocks
- 0.8% commercial houses
- 0.7% other types of buildings

Companies in Villers-Le-Bouillet are located in the following sectors:
- 31 firms active in "business and other management consultancy activities"
- 30 firms present in "mixed farming"
- 27 corporations in the field "construction of residential and non-residential buildings"
- 18 companies in the field "restaurants and mobile food service activities"
- 14 firms active in "hairdressing and other beauty treatment"
- 13 companies active in "architectural activities"

In Villers-Le-Bouillet, you are close to an access to the highway A15 / E42 (La Louvière - Charleroi - Namur - Liège): you will be there in 1 minutes from the centre of Villers-Le-Bouillet. An access to the highway A3 / E25 - E40 - E42 (Brussels - Leuven - Liège - Eupen - (Aachen, Germany)) can also be reached in 16 minutes.

These main roads pass through Villers-Le-Bouillet:
- N64
- N65
- N684

For your daily shopping, you will find the following shops: 1 Louis Delhaize and 1 Intermarché.

In terms of children's facilities, the municipality offers 8 nurseries ("Pascale Endres" or "Marie-France Bruwier" for example), 5 nursery schools ("Ecole Fondamentale Communale" or "Ecole Fondamentale Saint-Quirin"), 5 primary schools ("Ecole Fondamentale Saint-Quirin" or "Ecole Fondamentale Communale" for example) but no secondary school.

Villers-Le-Bouillet is served by 8 lines of bus including these lines:
- Bus TEC, Line 127: Huy - Hannut - Landen
- Bus TEC, Line 145: Huy - Waremme
- Bus TEC, Line 149: Huy - Fize-Fontaine - Seraing-le-Château
- Bus TEC, Line 150: Vieux-Waleffe - Warnant-Dreye -Villers-le-Bouillet
- Bus TEC, Line L1022: Huy - Waremme

Here is the choice in the available stations: "Ampsin", "Amay", "Haute-Flône", "Huy / Hoei", "Statte".

There is no known charging station in the municipality.

The best placed airport in relation to the municipality is "Liège Airport". It is 112 minutes by public transport or 13 minutes by car.

The commune has no shared bicycles in its territory at the moment. Villers-Le-Bouillet does not offer shared cars.

Rue du Château
Rue du Château d'Eau
Rue du Cimetière
Rue de la Villa
Rue de l'Arbre
Rue de l'Avenir
Rue de l'Entreprise
Rue Bon Secours
Rue Braine
Rue d'Antheit
Rue de Bodegnée
Rue du Couvent
Rue du Hibou
Rue du Monument
Place de l'Eglise
Place du Tilleul
Rue du Progrès
Rue du Puits
Rue de Borlez
Rue de Les Waleffes
Rue de l'Industrie
Rue de Pitet
Rue Burettes
Rue Cachine
Rue de Fallais
Rue de Fize
Rue de Huy
Place Maurice Grandgagnage
Plope Marteau
Rue Baccu
Rue des Technologies
Rue des Vergers
Chemin des Parapluies
Rue Baillerie
Rue de Vieux-Waleffe
Rue de Vinalmont
Rue de Waremme
Rue des Ecoles
Rue Dessus les Prés
Rue Docteur Emile Neuville
Rue d'Oultremont
Rue Chalais
Rue Chantraine
Rue Chênay
Rue de Jehay
Rue de la Bourlotte
Rue de la Chapelle
Rue de la Fontaine
Rue des Etangs
Rue Chirmont
Rue Courte
Rue Bas Pierremont
Rue Bas Vinâve
Rue Bavière
Rue Belle-Vue
Rue Bois-Berleur
Cité Mabiets
Clos de la Panneterie
Rue des Jardins
Rue des Marronniers
Rue du Centre
Rue du Cerf
Rue de la Métallurgie
Rue de la Plaine
Rue de la Prâle
Rue de la Résistance
Rue de la Sablière
Rue de la Science
Rue Croix-Chabot
Rue Dabée
Rue d'Aineffe
Rue Bois-Grumsel
Rue Bois Lhonneux
Rue des Meuniers
Rue des Petites Haies
Rue du Vieux Clocher
Rue du Village
Rue Eau Morte
Rue Fays
Rue Japin
Rue Joseph Durbuy
Rue Joseph Wauters
Rue Feron
Rue Jules Pirotte
Rue sur les Rys
Rue Thier du Moulin
Rue Thier Paquay
Rue Tiège du Peuplier
Rue Tribarbia
Rue Fosse aux Pierres
Rue Gasnière
Rue Gotroul
Rue Grande Ruelle
Rue Lambert Delava
Rue le Marais
Rue Magritte
Rue Trou du Bois
Rue Vaux Toultia
Rue Wérihet
Ruelle du Pont
Ruelle Fond de Vaux
Rue Halbosart
Rue Haut Pierremont
Rue Haute Cotaie
Rue du Ruisseau
Rue du Siège
Thier Pirka
Rue Perrier
Rue Râperie
Rue Roua
Rue du Tilleul
Rue Haydon
Rue Hochets
Rue Hubert Hanot
Rue Isidore Chabot
Rue Saint-Jean
Rue Sauvenière
Rue Marexhe
Rue Masson
Rue Mélayes
Rue Neuve
Rue Paix Dieu
Rue Paradis des Chevaux
Rue de Liège
Rue Mabiets

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