There are 2,886,026 inhabitants, or 0.039% of the population of planet earth. With a birth growth rate at 0.19%, the median age is 34.30 years.
This nation's capital is Tirana and the country shares a border with Montenegro, Greece, Macedonia, Kosovo. 28,748 km² make up the entire country, they use a postcode system and the key cities are: Tiranë, Tirana, Elbasan, Durrës, Shkoder. The following languages are spoken by the nation's citizens: Albanian.
The inhabitants attend school for 14 years (tertiary education included).
The GDP in 2021 was $18,255,787,479 USD, making it the 111# country in the world. The local currency (ALL) is represented by the symbol Lek.
Interesting food you need to try here: Tavë kosi. There are UNESCO listed sites in this country: Historic Centres of Berat and Gjirokastra, Butrint.
For more information about this country, check The country's websites have the domain name ".al", the country's ISO code is AL, telephone numbers begin with +355