Australia: all about this country and its main places!

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: -32.20552 / longitude: 120.23552
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General Information About Australia


In this country, a Big Mac is sold at 6.70$ (corresponding to $4.63 USD). The currency ISO code is AUD and the currency symbol is $. It is ranked 13# in the world with a GDP of $1,552,667,363,236 USD in 2021.


44.50 years is the median age in this country and the birth growth rate is at 0.31%. There are 24,245,600 inhabitants, or 0.325% of the population of planet earth.


Example of famous dishes in this country: Meat pie,Roast lamb. There are UNESCO listed sites in this country: Kakadu National Park, Great Barrier Reef, Sydney Opera House, Willandra Lakes Region, Tasmanian Wilderness.


The inhabitants stay 16 years in school (tertiary education included). This nation has a number of interesting universities, including University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, University of Queensland, University of New South Wales, Monash University.


Canberra is the nation's capital. The country has a 7,692,024 km² area, a postcode system is employed and the primary cities are: Brisbane, Christchurch, Auckland, Howick, Rodney. Here are the different languages spoken in the country: English.

Good to know

Visit to learn more about this nation. Telephone numbers begin with +61, the domain name ".au" is used by the country's websites, the country's ISO code is AU


Flag au flag
ISO code AU
Capital Canberra
Population 24,245,600
World percentage 0.325%
Median age 44.50 years
Population growth rate 0.31%
Main cities
Spoken languages English
GDP (2021) $1,552,667,363,236
GDP position #13
Big Mac local price 6.70$
Big Mac USD price $4.63
Currency code AUD
Currency symbol $
School life expectancy 16 years
National dish Meat pie,Roast lamb
TLD .au
Phone prefix +61


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