In term of tourism places you can find 51 places (like "David Henry Drummond", "Museum of Printing").
You can find 27 gas stations locally like "Dingo Fence Rest Area", "Connetic" In term of train stations you can find 1 location in the region (like "Armidale"). In term of charging stations you can find 1 places (like "Armidale Visitors Centre"). For car renting you have 1 places with "Budget Car Rental" for example. About car washes, 4 possibilities exist (like "Diamond Glow Auto Detailing", "Cascade Carwash", "Armidale Prestige Carwash"). For airports you have 1 locations. You can find 28 parkings locally like "Middle Car Park", "Southern Carpark", "Wollombi Falls Rest Area"
In term of hotels you can find 29 location in the region (like "Ebor Falls Hotel Motel", "White Lanterns Motel", "Hideaway Motor Inn"). For sport places you have 53 places with "DG Park Tennis Courts", "Rologas 13" for example. The area offers 8 spots in the "post offices" category. As "NAB", "Westpac", 12 banks and/or ATMs exist in the area. You can find 13 fire stations locally like "Bald Blair Rural Fire Brigade", "Ebor Rural Fire Brigade" In term of parks you can find 90 places (like "Drummond Memorial Park", "Armidale Equestrian Centre", "Bellevue Sporting Complex"). For police stations you have 2 places with "Guyra Police Station", "Armidale Police Station" for example. About town halls, 1 possibilities exist (like "Armidale Town Hall").
About playgrounds, 1 possibilities exist (like "Skills Park"). For schools you have 82 locations. As "Armidale Montessori Preschool", "Adventureland Preschool", "Galloway Childrens Centre", 14 nurseries exist in the area. In term of universities you can find 56 location in the region (like "Madgwick Hall", "Fireman's Cottage", "Patricia O'Shane Building").
For bakeries you have 5 places with "Moxon's Bakery", "Moxon's", "Bakers Delight" for example. About supermarkets, 27 possibilities exist (like "Aletheia Apothecary", "IGA", "Price Busters Variety"). The area offers 4 spots in the "butchers" category.
The main cities are the following: Armidale, Guyra, Black Mountain.
The area offers 22 spots in the "doctors" category. For hospitals you have 3 locations. As "North Hill Veterinary Clinic", "Creeklands Veterinary Surgery", "New England Veterinary Services", 4 veterinarians exist in the area. You can find 6 pharmacies locally like "Cincotta Discount Chemist", "Good Price Pharmacy Warehouse" In term of dentists you can find 12 places (like "Henderson Dental", "My Denture Clinic", "The Minto Dentist").
In term of restaurants you can find 48 places (like "A & J Vietnamese", "Colombo Kottoo"). For bars/cafes you have 40 places with "Railway Hotel", "Phó Plus Gallery Cafe" for example. The area offers 1 spots in the "ice cream vendors" category. As "Belgrave Twin Cinema", 1 cinemas exist in the area.
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