For dentists you have 3 places with "Brad Pearce Dental", "Fresh Dental Care", "Bellingen Dental" for example. About pharmacies, 3 possibilities exist (like "Amcal Pharmacy", "Dorrigo Plateau Pharmacy", "Bellingen Pharmacy"). For doctors you have 5 locations. You can find 7 hospitals locally like "Urunga Ambulance Station", "Bellinger River District Hospital", "Dorrigo Ambulance Station" In term of veterinarians you can find 1 location in the region (like "Bellingen Vet Hospital").
You can find 8 supermarkets locally like "Foodworks", "United", "IGA" In term of butchers you can find 4 location in the region (like "Urunga Butchery", "Valley Quality Meats", "Bellingen Butchery"). In term of bakeries you can find 3 places (like "Woodfired Bakery", "Hearthfire Bakery").
The following are the major cities: Bellingen, Fernmount, Dorrigo.
In term of motorway entrances you can find 12 places (like "M1"). For train stations you have 2 places with "Dorrigo", "Urunga" for example. About parkings, 4 possibilities exist (like "Griffiths Lookout", "Mountain Top Rest Area"). The area offers 14 spots in the "gas stations" category.
In term of tourism places you can find 34 location in the region (like "Gleniffer Memorial Hall", "Adam Gillchrist Bust").
For parks you have 30 places with "Jarrett Park", "Jubilee Park" for example. About banks and/or ATMs, 4 possibilities exist (like "Commonwealth Bank", "bcu", "BCU"). The area offers 14 spots in the "sport places" category. As "Urunga PO", "Bonville Post Office", 4 post offices exist in the area. In term of town halls you can find 1 location in the region (like "Bellingen Shire Council"). In term of fire stations you can find 16 places (like "Repton Rural Fire Brigade", "Bonville Rural Fire Brigade", "Mylestom Rural Fire Station"). For police stations you have 3 places with "Dorrigo Police Station", "Bellingen Police Station", "Urunga Police Station" for example. About hotels, 7 possibilities exist (like "Bellinger Valley Lodge", "Sudden Comfort Motel").
The area offers 22 spots in the "schools" category. For nurseries you have 5 locations. You can find 1 playgrounds locally like "Urunga Community Pre School Playground"
As "Surfside Pizza", "Chans Chinese Restaurant", "Embers Woodfired Restaurant", 11 restaurants exist in the area. You can find 1 ice cream vendors locally like "Bellingen Gelato Bar" In term of bars/cafes you can find 28 places (like "Diggers Tavern", "Richest family ever", "Club Urunga").
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