As "Burke and Wills Camp 119", "Krys the Crocodile", 6 tourism places exist in the area.
In term of hospitals you can find 3 places (like "Normanton Hospital", "Normanton Ambulance Station"). For pharmacies you have 1 places with "Karumba Pharmacy" for example.
In term of schools you can find 3 location in the region (like "Normanton State School", "Gulf Christian College", "Karumba State School"). For nurseries you have 1 places with "Karumba Children's Centre" for example.
About post offices, 2 possibilities exist (like "Normanton Post Office", "Karumba Post Office"). The area offers 2 spots in the "police stations" category. As "Westpac", 1 banks and/or ATMs exist in the area. In term of hotels you can find 7 location in the region (like "Purple Pub", "End of the Road Motel"). In term of sport places you can find 5 places (like "Normanton Golf Club", "Karumba Sports Comples"). For parks you have 4 places with "Sunderaln Park", "John Henry Memorial Park" for example.
As "Gobble N Go - open?", "Norman County", "Ash's", 3 restaurants exist in the area. In term of bars/cafes you can find 5 location in the region (like "Norman County", "Karumba Point Seafood Market and Cafe", "Normanton Bakery").
The main cities are the following: Karumba.
About gas stations, 7 possibilities exist (like "Carpentaria Fuels Cams Corner", "Normanton North Rest Area", "Karumba Point Fuels"). For parkings you have 6 locations. As "Normanton Airport", 1 airports exist in the area. You can find 1 train stations locally like "Normanton"
About butchers, 2 possibilities exist (like "Gallagher Butchering", "Carpentaria Quality Meats"). The area offers 7 spots in the "supermarkets" category. For bakeries you have 2 locations.
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