You can find 42 hospitals locally like "Christchurch Public Hospital", "24 Hour Surgery" In term of pharmacies you can find 42 location in the region (like "Waltham Pharmacy", "Chemist Warehouse", "Akaroa Pharmacy"). For doctors you have 27 places with "Ferrymead Medical Centre", "Barrington Medical Centre" for example. About dentists, 22 possibilities exist (like "waltham dentists", "OrthodontiX Cashmere"). The area offers 12 spots in the "veterinarians" category.
As "Christchurch Central Police Station", "New Brighton Police Station", "Christchurch South Police station", 4 police stations exist in the area. You can find 11 fire stations locally like "Woolston Fire Station", "Ilam Fire Station" In term of post offices you can find 16 location in the region (like "New Zealand Post", "New Zealand Post Services"). For sport places you have 130 places with "Old Boys Collegians Cricket Club", "Thistle" for example. The area offers 72 spots in the "banks and/or ATMs" category. For hotels you have 99 locations. You can find 585 parks locally like "Gainsborough Reserve", "Lincoln Park", "Mariposa Corridor Reserve" In term of town halls you can find 1 location in the region (like "Christchurch City Council").
For car washes you have 14 locations. As "SH 76", "SH 76;R", 8 motorway entrances exist in the area. In term of parkings you can find 108 location in the region (like "Alpine Hotel parking lot", "Wilson Parking"). For car renting you have 9 places with "Budget", "APEX", "Thrifty" for example. The area offers 1 spots in the "train stations" category. For gas stations you have 61 locations. You can find 87 bus locally like "17 Huntsbury to Bryndwr", "17 Bryndwr to Huntsbury" In term of charging stations you can find 22 places (like "Halswell New World", "10 Star Homes", "Nissan Cockram Christchurch").
You can find 38 nurseries locally like "BestStart", "Kidsfirst Kindergarten Beckenham", "Kindercare Fendalton" In term of universities you can find 56 location in the region (like "PX - Pūakiaki", "Henry Field", "High Voltage Laboratory"). In term of playgrounds you can find 19 places (like "Somerfield Park Playground", "St. Peter's School Playground"). For schools you have 272 places with "Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Whanau Tahi", "Wharenui School", "B Block" for example.
For restaurants you have 544 places with "Viaduct", "Spice Hub" for example. About cinemas, 9 possibilities exist (like "Silky Otter", "Hollywood 3 Cinema", "Alice's Deluxe Cinemas"). For ice cream vendors you have 7 locations. As "Eruption Brewing", "Lil’ Ruby", 282 bars/cafes exist in the area.
The area offers 171 spots in the "supermarkets" category. For butchers you have 22 locations. As "Bohemian Bakery", "KB's Bakery", 36 bakeries exist in the area.
In term of tourism places you can find 326 places (like "Robinsons Bay", "Governors Bay Community Hall", "Memorial Gate").
These are the principal cities: Banks Peninsula Community, Lyttelton, Akaroa.
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