For tourism places you have 7 locations.
In term of schools you can find 41 location in the region (like "Block 10", "Harrisdale Primary School", "Carey Baptist College"). In term of playgrounds you can find 3 places (like "Tollington Park", "Frye Park Playground").
These are the principal cities: Armadale, Harrisdale, Kelmscott.
For police stations you have 1 places with "Armadale Police Station" for example. About town halls, 1 possibilities exist (like "Armadale Town Hall"). The area offers 99 spots in the "parks" category. For fire stations you have 4 locations. As "Heritage Motel", 1 hotels exist in the area. You can find 11 sport places locally like "Armadale Tennis Club", "Armadale Badminton Hall" In term of post offices you can find 1 places (like "Australia Post").
For supermarkets you have 24 places with "Harvey Norman", "Champion Drive Shopping Centre", "Aldi" for example.
About train stations, 4 possibilities exist (like "Armadale", "Kelmscott", "Sherwood"). The area offers 4 spots in the "parkings" category. As "Vibe Piara Waters", "7-Eleven", "Caltex Forrestdale", 18 gas stations exist in the area. You can find 1 motorway entrances locally like "4" In term of charging stations you can find 4 location in the region (like "McDonalds Forrestdale", "McDonald's Drive-Thru Armadale").
About ice cream vendors, 1 possibilities exist (like "The Gelato Lads"). The area offers 28 spots in the "restaurants" category. As "Grand Cinemas", 1 cinemas exist in the area. You can find 9 bars/cafes locally like "C.Y. O'Connor Village Pub", "Ye Olde Narrogin Inne"
In term of doctors you can find 1 places (like "Harrisdale Medical Centre"). For hospitals you have 5 places with "Armadale Kelmscott District Hospital", "Piara Waters Medical Centre", "Southern River Medical Centre" for example. About pharmacies, 2 possibilities exist (like "Piara Waters Pharmacy", "Chemist Warehouse"). The area offers 1 spots in the "veterinarians" category.
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