In term of bars/cafes you can find 57 location in the region (like "Francesco's Cafe & Bar", "Dôme"). In term of restaurants you can find 144 places (like "Bull Creek Chinese Restaurant", "Ko Sing Chinese Restaurant", "Tai Son Restaurant"). For cinemas you have 2 places with "Hoyts", "Hoyts Southlands" for example. About ice cream vendors, 3 possibilities exist (like "Baskin-Robbins").
These are the principal cities: Willetton, Canning Vale, Rossmoyne.
In term of butchers you can find 6 places (like "Clover Butchers", "The Willeton Butcher"). About bakeries, 14 possibilities exist (like "Cookies Donuts", "The Cheesecake Shop", "Bakers Delight"). The area offers 72 spots in the "supermarkets" category.
For schools you have 132 locations. As "Alday St Reserve Playground", "Norman Playground", 11 playgrounds exist in the area. You can find 84 universities locally like "206 Civil Engineering", "208 CELC and Media Studies" In term of nurseries you can find 6 location in the region (like "Shelley Playgroup", "Manning Early Learning Centre").
In term of dentists you can find 13 location in the region (like "Nicholson Road Dental Centre", "Canning Vale Dental Centre", "Ranford Road Dental Centre"). For hospitals you have 22 places with "Nicholson Road Medical Group", "Leeming Medical Centre" for example. About veterinarians, 12 possibilities exist (like "Willetton Vet", "Paws and More Vet Centre"). The area offers 16 spots in the "pharmacies" category. As "Amherst Road Medical Centre", "Vahland Avenue Medical Centre", 11 doctors exist in the area.
You can find 45 tourism places locally like "Liddelow Homestead Arts and Crafts Centre", "Bentley Community Centre", "Niana Station"
For bus you have 181 locations. You can find 8 train stations locally like "Queens Park", "Niana Station", "Thornlie" In term of motorway entrances you can find 26 location in the region (like "3", "7"). In term of parkings you can find 71 places (like "PF2", "Undercover Parking", "B9"). About gas stations, 33 possibilities exist (like "Liberty", "Coles Express"). The area offers 10 spots in the "charging stations" category. For car washes you have 2 locations. As "Drop Off Only", "Wicked Campers", 3 car renting exist in the area.
In term of fire stations you can find 6 location in the region (like "Canning Vale Fire Station", "SWORD"). In term of parks you can find 291 places (like "Edinburgh Oval South", "Harold Rossiter Park", "Joel Park"). For police stations you have 3 places with "Canning Vale Police Station", "Kensington Police Station", "Cannington Police Station" for example. About post offices, 3 possibilities exist (like "Australia Post - Manning LPO", "Australia Post", "Bentley Australia Post Office"). The area offers 50 spots in the "sport places" category. For banks and/or ATMs you have 22 locations. You can find 2 hotels locally like "Balmoral Hotel", "The Bentley Hotel"
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