You can find 7 tourism places locally like "Whare Toi", "Benjamin the Library Cat", "State Theatre"
In term of schools you can find 2 location in the region (like "Devonport School", "Saint Leo's Catholic School"). In term of nurseries you can find 2 places (like "Devonport Kindergarten", "Takarunga Playcentre").
The major cities are the following: Devonport, Ambleside, East Devonport.
For fire stations you have 1 locations. As "Fuji Reserve", "Mount Cambria Reserve", "Allenby Reserve", 4 parks exist in the area. You can find 4 banks and/or ATMs locally like "Westpac", "ANZ" In term of post offices you can find 1 location in the region (like "NZ Post Shop").
For pharmacies you have 1 places with "Devonport Pharmacy" for example.
In term of restaurants you can find 11 places (like "Hemingways", "Subway", "Manna Thai Restaurant"). For cinemas you have 1 places with "The Vic" for example. The area offers 10 spots in the "bars/cafes" category. For ice cream vendors you have 1 locations.
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