In term of cinemas you can find 1 location in the region (like "Orana Cinemas"). For restaurants you have 18 places with "KFC", "Zambrero", "Cape Burney Pizza" for example. About bars/cafes, 24 possibilities exist (like "Central Greenough Cafe & Visitor Centre", "Beached Barrel").
As "Chemmart Superstore", 1 pharmacies exist in the area. You can find 4 hospitals locally like "centrelink medicare", "Geraldton Regional Hospital"
In term of universities you can find 1 places (like "Geraldton Universities Centre"). For schools you have 21 places with "Saint John's School", "Batavia Coast Maritime Institute" for example.
For tourism places you have 20 locations.
As "Australia Post", 1 post offices exist in the area. You can find 2 town halls locally like "John Batten Hall", "Mullewa Town Hall" In term of fire stations you can find 1 location in the region (like "Cape Burney Fire Service"). In term of police stations you can find 1 places (like "Police"). For sport places you have 20 places with "Cricket Practice Nets", "Geraldton Moto-X", "Nanson Golf Course" for example. The area offers 3 spots in the "hotels" category. As "GBSC Sports Park", "Tarcoola Park", 54 parks exist in the area. You can find 4 banks and/or ATMs locally like "Westpac", "National Australia Bank", "ANZ"
The area offers 2 spots in the "car washes" category. For charging stations you have 4 locations. As "Bringo", "Nola", "Walkaway", 8 train stations exist in the area. In term of airports you can find 1 location in the region (like "Geraldton Airport"). In term of gas stations you can find 9 places (like "S-Bend Roadhouse", "Puma").
The following are the major cities: Geraldton, Mullewa, Bluff Point.
For bakeries you have 1 places with "Delights Gourmet Bakery" for example. About supermarkets, 14 possibilities exist (like "Glenfield IGA", "Optimal Pharmacy Plus Northgate", "Coles"). For butchers you have 1 locations.
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