In term of hospitals you can find 3 location in the region (like "Dawesville Ambulance Station", "Peel Health Campus"). For pharmacies you have 5 places with "Mandurah Discount Drug Store", "Friendlies" for example. About dentists, 1 possibilities exist (like "Halls Head Dentist").
In term of supermarkets you can find 26 location in the region (like "Mandurah Forum", "Smart Street Shopping Precinct", "Halls Head Centro"). In term of bakeries you can find 1 places (like "French Hot Bread Shop").
For train stations you have 2 locations. As "Car Park", "Thai on The Terrace Customer Parking", 77 parkings exist in the area. You can find 5 charging stations locally like "Belvedere Caravan Park", "Silk Thai Restaurant", "Mandurah Caravan Park" In term of gas stations you can find 5 location in the region (like "BP", "Caltex"). In term of car renting you can find 1 places (like "Good Life Limousines").
You can find 36 tourism places locally like "War Memorial", "Heritage Site", "Austin Bay"
The following are the major cities: Mandurah, Halls Head, Greenfields.
For restaurants you have 39 locations. As "Reading Cinema", 1 cinemas exist in the area. You can find 20 bars/cafes locally like "Gloria Jean's", "Boathouse Tavern"
The area offers 1 spots in the "police stations" category. For banks and/or ATMs you have 11 locations. You can find 1 fire stations locally like "Mandurah Fire Station" In term of sport places you can find 20 places (like "Forth Rock Groin", "Dudley Park Bowling Green"). For parks you have 51 places with "Harry Perry Park'", "Park & Gardens" for example. About hotels, 11 possibilities exist (like "Seashells Resort", "BridgePoint"). The area offers 1 spots in the "town halls" category.
About universities, 3 possibilities exist (like "Building 101", "Building 100"). The area offers 23 spots in the "schools" category. For playgrounds you have 13 locations.
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