The main cities are the following: Ardlethan, Ganmain.
In term of supermarkets you can find 1 places (like "Foodworks Ardlethan").
The area offers 4 spots in the "bars/cafes" category.
As "Ardlethan Bowling & Recreational Club", "The Up-to-Date Store Museum", 9 tourism places exist in the area.
For pharmacies you have 1 locations.
In term of schools you can find 4 location in the region (like "Coolamon Central School", "Matong Public School").
For sport places you have 4 locations. As "Ganmain Post Office", "Ardlethan Post Office", "Coolamon Post Office", 3 post offices exist in the area. You can find 6 parks locally like "Matog Park", "Redgrave Park" In term of fire stations you can find 7 location in the region (like "Tara Bectric Rural Fire Brigade", "Berry Jerry North Rural Fire Brigade"). For police stations you have 2 places with "Ganmain Head Police Station", "Coolamon Police Station" for example.
The area offers 1 spots in the "gas stations" category.
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