For pharmacies you have 5 locations. As "МБАЛ "Св. Иван Рилски 2003", Дупница", "МБАЛ Доктор Никола Василиев", 6 hospitals exist in the area.
In term of parks you can find 9 location in the region (like "Small Jurassic", "Кирилова поляна", "Хисарлъка"). In term of post offices you can find 8 places (like "Поща", "Кюстендил", "Еконт Батемберг"). About sport places, 5 possibilities exist (like "Стадион "Васил Левски"", "Бончук", "Стадион Мусала"). The area offers 1 spots in the "police stations" category. As "РСПБЗН", 1 fire stations exist in the area. You can find 7 town halls locally like "Община Кюстендил", "Община Невестино", "Община Бобошево" In term of banks and/or ATMs you can find 12 places (like "TBI Bank", "Банка ДСК"). For hotels you have 36 places with "Sveti Nikola Family Hotel", "Вила Ема" for example.
You can find 19 schools locally like "Бивше училище", "ОУ Св. св. Кирил и Методий" In term of nurseries you can find 4 location in the region (like "Св. Ана", "ДГ "Д-р Тодора Миладинова"").
About parkings, 3 possibilities exist (like "Кирилова поляна", ""Най-високият" паркинг в България", "TIR Parking Теди -сим"). For motorway entrances you have 8 locations. As "Rompetrol", "Петрол", "EKO", 13 gas stations exist in the area. You can find 6 train stations locally like "Мурсалево", "Яхиново" In term of car washes you can find 1 location in the region (like "Car Wash").
As "Чешмето", "Златното пиле на жар", 42 restaurants exist in the area. You can find 7 bars/cafes locally like "ABC", "Млечен бар", "Azalia"
About supermarkets, 27 possibilities exist (like "Supérette", "Супермаркет КООП", "Mini Market"). For bakeries you have 2 locations.
The following are the major cities: Дупница, Кюстендил, Рила.
For tourism places you have 40 places with "Паметник на Васил Сотиров Демиревски (Желю)", "Владимир Динитров - Майстора" for example.
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