About supermarkets, 177 possibilities exist (like "CBA", "Магазин"). The area offers 11 spots in the "bakeries" category. As "Мираж", "РИЦ", "КРЕС", 8 butchers exist in the area.
The main cities are the following: Казанлък, Стара Загора, Ясеново.
About sport places, 75 possibilities exist (like "Футболно игрище", "Бивша ледена пълзалка"). The area offers 5 spots in the "fire stations" category. For town halls you have 65 locations. As "Земеделски институт - Стара Загора", "Postal square", "Парк", 78 parks exist in the area. You can find 68 hotels locally like "Хотел "Калифорния"", "Зорница", "Резиденция "Капрони"" In term of post offices you can find 42 places (like "Поща", "Казанлък"). For banks and/or ATMs you have 82 places with "Алфа Банк", "УниКредит Булбанк" for example. About police stations, 9 possibilities exist (like "Първо РПУ", "КАТ - Казанлък", "2 РПУ").
For doctors you have 24 locations. As "Стоматолог Д-р Ставров", "Зъболекар Д-р Гочев и Д-р Лачева", "Д-Р СТЕФАН ПЕТКОВ", 3 dentists exist in the area. You can find 53 pharmacies locally like "Фрамар", "Изток" In term of hospitals you can find 39 location in the region (like "ДКЦ "Д-р Николай Тошев"", "Д-р Тотка Чукалова", "ФСМП"). For veterinarians you have 9 places with "Изолатор и отделение за паразитни болести", "Вита Вери" for example.
In term of tourism places you can find 321 places (like "Средновековна крепост", "The Hoot", "Водни птици").
About car washes, 8 possibilities exist (like "Автомивка", "Fresh", "Sugar car wash"). The area offers 27 spots in the "train stations" category. As "разсадник "Интродукция"", "Паркинг", 49 parkings exist in the area. You can find 6 charging stations locally like "FULLCHARGER / ENERGYSTA 005", "ул. Иван Мирчев" In term of gas stations you can find 63 location in the region (like "WP ойл", "Зара 05"). In term of motorway entrances you can find 22 places (like "A 1").
In term of bars/cafes you can find 79 location in the region (like "Relax", "Жанин", "Пивница"). In term of restaurants you can find 181 places (like "Кончето", "Дон"). For cinemas you have 7 places with "Лятно кино", "Promax" for example.
For universities you have 7 locations. As "Детска площадка", 3 playgrounds exist in the area. You can find 134 schools locally like "Бивше ТВУ "Христо Ботев"", "ОУ "Васил Левски"" In term of nurseries you can find 86 location in the region (like "Свети Иван Рилски", "Детска градина "Ален мак"").
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