Santa Maria Da Boa Vista: all about this city and its main streets!

latitude: -8.80124 / longitude: -39.82602

General information

Daily life in Santa Maria Da Boa Vista

In term of banks and/or ATMs you can find 1 places (like "ze catita").


For supermarkets you have 3 places with "3042 - MERCADINHO SÃO JOSÉ", "3040 - GERALDO CORDEIRO CONVENIÊNCIA" for example.

Main streets

These are the principal streets: Avenida Recife, Avenida Brasil, Caraíbas, Rua Joana Darc, Rua Nunes Machado, Rua Prefeito Raimundo Coimbra Filho.

Closest areas



  • Supermarkets

Daily life

  • Banks and/or ATMs

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