As "Pharmacy", 1 pharmacies exist in the area. You can find 1 dentists locally like "West Bay Dental"
For police stations you have 1 locations. As "Commonwealth Bank", "Scotiabank", 2 banks and/or ATMs exist in the area. You can find 1 post offices locally like "Post Office" In term of hotels you can find 9 location in the region (like "SLS LUX", "Rosewood"). In term of sport places you can find 2 places (like "Baha Bay", "Racquet Club").
For supermarkets you have 1 locations.
About restaurants, 13 possibilities exist (like "Dairy Queen", "Many's Restaurant & Pub"). The area offers 1 spots in the "bars/cafes" category.
For tourism places you have 2 places with "Bond Nightclub", "Cable beach" for example.
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