As "Montagne à Fred (Paléoplage)", "Plage Abijevis", "Stationnement du sentier du Grand Héron", 6 parkings exist in the area. You can find 8 gas stations locally like "Halte de Poularies", "Halte de Macamic" In term of charging stations you can find 10 location in the region (like "Beaudry & Lapointe Ford", "Rouge Cafe", "Macamic").
About post offices, 3 possibilities exist (like "BP Normétal", "Bureau de poste de Chazel"). For hotels you have 1 locations. As "Bureau Municipal de Gallichan s", "Bureau municipal d'Authier-Nord", "Hôtel de ville La Sarre", 6 town halls exist in the area. In term of fire stations you can find 1 location in the region (like "Caserne"). In term of banks and/or ATMs you can find 3 places (like "Caisse Desjardins", "Desjardins", "Banque Nationale"). About parks, 9 possibilities exist (like "Halte de Rapide-Danseur", "micro forêt éducative", "Participarc"). For sport places you have 4 locations.
The main cities are the following: La Sarre, Dupuy, Duparquet.
About supermarkets, 8 possibilities exist (like "Canadian Tire", "Carrefour La Sarre").
The area offers 1 spots in the "restaurants" category. For bars/cafes you have 2 locations.
You can find 1 hospitals locally like "Hôpital de La Sarre" In term of pharmacies you can find 1 location in the region (like "Jean Coutu").
In term of schools you can find 2 places (like "École Bellefeuille", "Cité Étudiante Polyno").
In term of tourism places you can find 15 places (like "Parc Aiguebelle - Acceuil - Secteur Taschereau", "Baie Fabie").
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