You can find 3 pharmacies locally like "Pharmasave", "Lewis PharmaChoice", "Johnson Guardian Pharmacy"
For tourism places you have 1 places with "Paul Pyres Community Centre" for example.
In term of town halls you can find 1 location in the region (like "Perth-Andover Town Hall"). For hotels you have 1 places with "Perth-Andover Motor Inn" for example. About police stations, 2 possibilities exist (like "CBSA-ASFC"). The area offers 2 spots in the "banks and/or ATMs" category. For parks you have 1 locations. As "Aroostook Valley Country Club", 1 sport places exist in the area.
In term of motorway entrances you can find 8 places (like "2;TCH"). About charging stations, 6 possibilities exist (like "The Power Commission of the City of St. John", "Johnson Pharmacy"). The area offers 6 spots in the "gas stations" category.
In term of supermarkets you can find 2 places (like "Squeaky's Convenience", "Save-Easy").
In term of schools you can find 3 location in the region (like "Andover Elementary School", "Perth-Andover Middle School", "Mah-Sos School").
For restaurants you have 2 locations. As "Tim Hortons", 1 bars/cafes exist in the area.
The main cities are the following: Perth-Andover, Aroostook, Andover.
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