About nurseries, 1 possibilities exist (like "Banff Child Care Centre"). The area offers 3 spots in the "schools" category.
For pharmacies you have 1 locations. As "Mineral Springs Hospital", "Alpine Medical Clinic", 2 hospitals exist in the area.
You can find 27 bus locally like "4 Cave and Basin to Downtown", "2 Tunnel Mountain to Banff Springs Hotel" In term of train stations you can find 1 places (like "Banff"). For car renting you have 1 places with "Avis" for example. The area offers 4 spots in the "gas stations" category. For parkings you have 5 locations. As "Banff Park Lodge", "Banff Visitor Centre - Tesla Destination", "Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel", 7 charging stations exist in the area.
For town halls you have 1 places with "Banff Town Hall" for example. About fire stations, 1 possibilities exist (like "Banff Fire Station"). The area offers 35 spots in the "hotels" category. For police stations you have 1 locations. As "CIBC", "ATB", "Bow Valley Credit Union", 4 banks and/or ATMs exist in the area. You can find 1 post offices locally like "Canada Post" In term of parks you can find 3 location in the region (like "Banff Recreational Grounds", "Rotary Park"). In term of sport places you can find 5 places (like "The Fenlands", "Bourgeau").
You can find 19 tourism places locally like "Eric Harvie Theatre", "Old Crosby Residence"
In term of bakeries you can find 2 location in the region (like "Good Earth Coffeehouse Banff", "JK Bakery Cafe"). For supermarkets you have 10 places with "Hudson's Bay", "Banff Tea Co", "Cascade Plaza" for example.
The major cities are the following: Banff.
About cinemas, 1 possibilities exist (like "Lux Cinema Centre"). The area offers 20 spots in the "bars/cafes" category. For restaurants you have 42 locations.
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