The following are the major cities: Salaberry-De-Valleyfield, Beauharnois, Sainte-Martine.
In term of bakeries you can find 4 places (like "Boulangerie Multi-Marques", "Choux-Crème", "Boulangerie D.J Martinez"). About supermarkets, 68 possibilities exist (like "Hart", "Dollarama"). The area offers 5 spots in the "butchers" category.
You can find 39 charging stations locally like "Collège de Valleyfield", "General Dynamics", "SQI - Palais de Justice de Valleyfield" In term of car washes you can find 5 location in the region (like "Christian Rochon", "Lave-Auto Sans Contact", "Couche-Tard"). In term of motorway entrances you can find 38 places (like "20", "530", "30"). For parkings you have 41 places with "Rue Alphonse-Desjardins", "Rue Sainte-Cécile", "Centre-Ville" for example. About gas stations, 38 possibilities exist (like "Halte de Saint-Timothée", "Shell"). The area offers 271 spots in the "bus" category. As "National", "École de conduite Lauzon", 4 car renting exist in the area.
In term of bars/cafes you can find 31 places (like "Bar Le Timothée", "Tim Hortons"). For restaurants you have 96 places with "Maitresse Pub", "Resto-Bar Mimosa", "Shish Taouk" for example. About cinemas, 1 possibilities exist (like "Cinéma 7"). For ice cream vendors you have 2 locations.
For sport places you have 31 locations. As "Hôtel de Ville de Salaberry-de-Valleyfield", "Saint-Louis De Gonzague", "Hôtel de ville de Saint-Stanislas-de-Kostka", 15 town halls exist in the area. You can find 6 fire stations locally like "Service de sécurité incendie de Salaberry-de-Valleyfield", "Service de sécurité incendie de Coteau-du-Lac", "Caserne 17" In term of hotels you can find 6 location in the region (like "Motel Grande-île", "Motel Lac-St-Louis"). For parks you have 131 places with "Belvédère Saint-Jean-Baptiste", "Parc Chanoine-Lionel-Groulx", "Parc Saint-Joseph-Artisan" for example. About post offices, 9 possibilities exist (like "Postes Canada", "BP Mercier", "Canada Post"). The area offers 26 spots in the "banks and/or ATMs" category. For police stations you have 3 locations.
As "Place des Tisserands", "Pavillon Charlotte-Belzile", "Place du Marché", 52 tourism places exist in the area.
For nurseries you have 10 locations. As "Collège de Valleyfield", "Centre universitaire de la Vallée-du-Haut-Saint-Laurent", 2 universities exist in the area. You can find 5 playgrounds locally like "Parc de jeux Gagnier", "Jeux d'eau", "Parc des Éperviers" In term of schools you can find 44 location in the region (like "École Marie-Rose", "École Saint-Paul").
You can find 8 dentists locally like "Clinique Poirier Centre Dentaire", "Dr. Nguyen Luong Phuc", "Clinique dentaire" In term of hospitals you can find 13 location in the region (like "Clinique Médicale Mercier", "Clinique Médi-Val"). In term of doctors you can find 3 places (like "Dr. Darell Bevacqua", "Dr. Émile Kiwan (Oto-rinho-laryngologiste)"). For pharmacies you have 19 places with "Familiprix", "Brunet" for example. About veterinarians, 6 possibilities exist (like "Services animaliers de Salaberry-de-Valleyfield", "Clinique Vétérinaire Beauharnois", "Clinique Vétérinaire de Valleyfield").
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