You can find 184 restaurants locally like "Poivre Noir", "Rotisserie-Pizzéria Royal" In term of cinemas you can find 3 location in the region (like "Cinéma du Cap (Cinémas Ciné Entreprise)", "Fleur de Lys", "Cinéma Le Tapis Rouge"). For bars/cafes you have 62 places with "Pub au Cochon Fumé", "Cafe Morgane", "Salon de quille" for example. About ice cream vendors, 7 possibilities exist (like "Délices Glacés", "Bar Laitier Côté Blanc", "La Crémière").
About tourism places, 80 possibilities exist (like "La Grande Entrée", "Maison Rocheleau").
About sport places, 26 possibilities exist (like "Centre Athletique", "Tennis 3R", "Club De Golf Des Bois-Francs"). The area offers 10 spots in the "post offices" category. For hotels you have 20 locations. As "Banque Laurentienne", "Desjardins", 43 banks and/or ATMs exist in the area. You can find 88 parks locally like "Parc Jean-Perron", "Parc Marguerite-Hayet", "Parc des Oblats" In term of police stations you can find 4 location in the region (like "Service de Police de Trois-Rivières", "Sureté Du Québec"). For town halls you have 15 places with "Municipalité de Ste-Geneviève-de-Batiscan", "Municipalité de Champlain" for example.
The area offers 7 spots in the "butchers" category. As "Couche-Tard", "Yuzu Sushi", "Dépanneur Bistro Le Belvédère", 117 supermarkets exist in the area. In term of bakeries you can find 7 location in the region (like "Boulangerie Le Panetier - Des Récollets", "Boulangerie Des Trois-Rivières", "Galoto").
For veterinarians you have 7 locations. As "Familiprix", "Jean Coutu", 28 pharmacies exist in the area. You can find 5 doctors locally like "Capilia", "Polyclinique 55", "Julie Carpentier" In term of dentists you can find 16 location in the region (like "Centre dentaire Beauclair", "Centre Médical & Dentaire", "Centre Dentaire Marie-Claude Michaud"). For hospitals you have 6 places with "Centre de santé de Wôlinak", "GMF Du Carmel", "Polyclinique de Trois-Rivières" for example.
The area offers 4 spots in the "parkings" category. For car renting you have 2 locations. As "Ultramar", "Halte du Lac-à-la-Truite", "Shell", 69 gas stations exist in the area. You can find 11 car washes locally like "EKO", "Petro-Canada", "Lave Auto Thibeau" In term of bus you can find 245 location in the region (like "16 => UQTR", "86 => UQTR", "6 => Carrefour TRO"). In term of motorway entrances you can find 80 places (like "20", "40", "55"). About charging stations, 75 possibilities exist (like "509 rue Vachon", "Trois-Rivières", "Ville de Becancour Hôtel de Ville").
The following are the major cities: Bécancour, Saint-Pierre-Les-Becquets, Fortierville.
About nurseries, 1 possibilities exist (like "Service de garde Asban"). For schools you have 61 locations. As "Pavillon de la Santé", "Centre de l'activité physique et sportive Léopold-Gagnon", "Pavillon des Ateliers", 10 universities exist in the area.
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