In term of schools you can find 59 places (like "Sydney River Elementary School", "Harbourside Elementary School"). For universities you have 11 places with "Multi-purpose Room", "Bookstore", "Cape Breton University" for example. About playgrounds, 5 possibilities exist (like "Argyle Street Playground", "Sydney Boardwalk Playground", "Indian Beach").
In term of tourism places you can find 133 places (like "Watsons Creek", "St. Michael's Society Hall Polish Village", "Mira Community Centre").
These are the principal cities: Sydney, Glace Bay, New Waterford.
The area offers 2 spots in the "cinemas" category. For restaurants you have 99 locations. As "Chill Zone", "Parlour Sweet House", 2 ice cream vendors exist in the area. In term of bars/cafes you can find 46 location in the region (like "Tim Hortons", "Robins").
The area offers 4 spots in the "veterinarians" category. As "Pharmasave", "Shoppers Drug Mart", "Pollett Drug Store", 15 pharmacies exist in the area. You can find 9 hospitals locally like "Professional Centre", "Harbour View Hospital", "Cape Breton Regional Hospital" In term of dentists you can find 1 places (like "Sydney Family Dental Centre").
In term of hotels you can find 32 location in the region (like "Jacques Cartier Motel", "Hôtel de la Marine", "Cambridge Suites"). In term of parks you can find 77 places (like "Barachois Provincial Park", "baseball field", "Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site"). For town halls you have 5 places with "Victoria County Courthouse", "Eskasoni Band Council Administration" for example. About fire stations, 33 possibilities exist (like "Main-A-Dieu Fire Station", "New Victoria Volunteer Fire Department", "Gabarus Fire Station"). The area offers 9 spots in the "police stations" category. For banks and/or ATMs you have 28 locations. As "Canada Post", "Glace Bay Post Office", 9 post offices exist in the area. You can find 33 sport places locally like "Frank Rudderham Family YMCA", "Northside Civic Centre"
In term of parkings you can find 4 places (like "Bayside Parking Lot", "Day-use Parking"). For motorway entrances you have 49 places with "NS 125", "NS 105;TCH" for example. About gas stations, 45 possibilities exist (like "XTR", "Caper Gas"). The area offers 1 spots in the "airports" category. For ferries you have 3 locations. As "Discount Car & Truck Rentals", 1 car renting exist in the area. You can find 11 charging stations locally like "SYDNEY MITSUBIS CPF25-1", "Membertou Market & Ultramar", "Canada Post Membertou – Nova Scotia"
For bakeries you have 4 places with "Boulangerie du Roi", "Nala's Bakery & Deli", "McFadgen's Bakery" for example. About supermarkets, 48 possibilities exist (like "Sobeys", "Superstore", "Walmart").
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