The major cities are the following: Rocky Mountain House, Clearwater County, Nordegg.
In term of pharmacies you can find 3 places (like "Pharmasave", "Shoppers Drug Mart"). For veterinarians you have 1 places with "Pioneer Vet Services" for example. About dentists, 1 possibilities exist (like "Aspen Dental Clinic"). The area offers 5 spots in the "hospitals" category.
For bars/cafes you have 10 places with "Little Country Cappucino", "Copper Creek Cafe & Coffee", "Nordegg Canteen" for example. About cinemas, 1 possibilities exist (like "Rocky Cinemas"). The area offers 26 spots in the "restaurants" category.
For bakeries you have 1 locations. As "M&M Food Market", 1 butchers exist in the area. In term of supermarkets you can find 17 location in the region (like "Leslieville General Store", "Superstore Gas Bar").
For schools you have 14 locations.
As "Baldy Mountain Lodge Nordegg Vacation Rentals", "Edwards Garage", 4 charging stations exist in the area. You can find 2 car washes locally like "Outwest Car Wash", "Outwest Carwash" In term of parkings you can find 12 location in the region (like "Staging Area", "Camp Evergreen", "Day Use Area"). In term of gas stations you can find 22 places (like "Shell", "Speedway").
The area offers 8 spots in the "banks and/or ATMs" category. For fire stations you have 2 locations. As "T0M 1X0", "Canada Post", 2 post offices exist in the area. You can find 1 town halls locally like "O' Chiese Administration Office" In term of police stations you can find 2 places (like "RCMP"). For sport places you have 14 places with "Credit Union Co-Op Aquatic Centre", "Coyotte Creek Golf & RV Resort" for example. About parks, 71 possibilities exist (like "Blackstone Provincial Recreation Area", "Swan Lake Provincial Recreation Area", "Snow Creek Provincial Recreation Area"). For hotels you have 19 locations.
You can find 21 tourism places locally like "Little Red Deer fishing access", "Leslieville Community Centre", "Acton House"
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