For tourism places you have 4 places with "Iron Bound Cove", "Village of Chipman 1835" for example.
In term of restaurants you can find 2 location in the region (like "The Bear's Den", "Robin's Donuts").
About car washes, 1 possibilities exist (like "Spencer's Car Wash"). The area offers 1 spots in the "charging stations" category. As "Irving", "Wilsons", "Irving 24", 3 gas stations exist in the area.
You can find 1 schools locally like "Chipman Elementary School"
In term of hospitals you can find 1 location in the region (like "Chipman Health Services Centre"). In term of pharmacies you can find 1 places (like "Shoppers Drug Mart").
For post offices you have 1 places with "Canada Post" for example. About hotels, 1 possibilities exist (like "inn Restaurant and bakery"). For sport places you have 1 locations. As "Village of Chipman", 1 town halls exist in the area. You can find 2 parks locally like "Hamilton Baird Park", "Riverfront Park"
In term of supermarkets you can find 2 places (like "Armstrong Convenience", "Chipman Freshmart").
The main cities are the following: Chipman, Coal Creek, Iron Bound Cove.
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