The following are the major cities: Lloydminster.
For schools you have 14 locations. You can find 1 nurseries locally like "Mother Teresa Early Childhood Education Centre"
About supermarkets, 23 possibilities exist (like "Dollar Tree", "HomeSense"). The area offers 1 spots in the "bakeries" category.
As "Lloydminster City Hall", 1 town halls exist in the area. In term of police stations you can find 1 location in the region (like "LLoydminster RCMP"). In term of banks and/or ATMs you can find 7 places (like "Servus Credit Union", "BMO Bank of Montreal"). About fire stations, 1 possibilities exist (like "D.E. Gustavson Fire Station"). For sport places you have 15 locations. As "Ramada", "Meridian Inn & Suites", "Hampton", 10 hotels exist in the area. You can find 20 parks locally like "Bowsfield Park", "Moose Park", "Kiwanis Park"
In term of hospitals you can find 2 location in the region (like "Prof Med Clinic", "Dr. Cooke Extended Care Centre"). In term of dentists you can find 4 places (like "Tru Orthodontics", "Tooth Suite Family Dentistry"). For veterinarians you have 2 places with "Lloydminster Animal Hospital", "Weir Veterinary Service" for example. The area offers 7 spots in the "pharmacies" category.
In term of bars/cafes you can find 10 location in the region (like "Second Cup", "Tim Hortons"). In term of restaurants you can find 51 places (like "Dairy Queen", "RedGinger Family Resturant", "New Saigon"). For ice cream vendors you have 1 places with "Marble Slab Creamery" for example.
About tourism places, 14 possibilities exist (like "RCMP Statue", "Elks Hall").
For charging stations you have 5 locations. As "Payless Car & Truck Wash", "Mr. Sparkle Car Wash", 4 car washes exist in the area. In term of gas stations you can find 17 location in the region (like "UFA", "Shell", "Safeway"). In term of car renting you can find 2 places (like "Enterprise", "TruCar Rentals"). For airports you have 1 places with "Lloydminster" for example.
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