Colombia: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 5.91272 / longitude: -74.48778

General information


Example of famous dishes in this country: Ajiaco, Bandeja paisa. This nation has UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Port, Fortresses and Group of Monuments, Cartagena, Los Katíos National Park, Historic Centre of Santa Cruz de Mompox, National Archeological Park of Tierradentro, San Agustín Archaeological Park.


Around 48,884,000 people live in this country, or 0.656% of all people on earth. In this country, the median age is 31.20 years and the birth growth rate is around 0.54%.


The area of the country is 1,141,748 km², a postcode system is employed and the main cities are: Bogotá D.c., Bogotá, Localidad Suba, Localidad Engativá, Medellín. This nation's capital is Bogotá and the country shares a border with Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. The following languages are spoken by the nation's citizens: Spanish.


In this country a Big Mac is worth 14950.00$ (corresponding to $3.48 USD). The currency symbol is $, and the ISO code for that currency is COP. It is ranked 43# in the world with a GDP of $314,464,137,241 USD in 2021.


This nation has a number of interesting universities, including University of the Andes, Colombia, National University of Colombia, University of Antioquia, Antonio Nariño University, Pontifical Javeriana University. On average citizens spend 14 years in school (including higher education).

Good to know

The ISO code is CO, phone numbers start with +57, the country's websites have the domain name ".co" Check out for more information about this nation.


ISO code CO
Capital Bogotá
Population 48,884,000
World percentage 0.656%
Median age 31.20 years
Population growth rate 0.54%
Main cities
Spoken languages Spanish
GDP (2021) $314,464,137,241
GDP position #43
Big Mac local price 14950.00$
Big Mac USD price $3.48
Currency code COP
Currency symbol $
School life expectancy 14 years
National dish Ajiaco, Bandeja paisa
TLD .co
Phone prefix +57

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