Costa Rica: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 8.27627 / longitude: -84.88914

General information


There are 4,890,379 inhabitants, or 0.066% of the population of planet earth.


This country offers several reputable universities like University of Costa Rica.


Well known national dishes are: Gallo pinto. You can find some UNESCO listed places: Cocos Island National Park, Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Precolumbian Chiefdom Settlements with Stone Spheres of the Diquís.


In 2021 the GDP was $64,282,438,666 USD, which ranks it number 76 in the world. The sign for the local currency is ₡ (CRC). In this country, a Big Mac is sold at 2650.00₡ (corresponding to $3.91 USD).


San José serves as this nation's capital and the country shares a border with Nicaragua, Panama. The country has a 51,100 km² area, they use a postcode system and the primary cities are: San José, Alajuela, Quesada, Liberia, San Pedro. Here are the different languages spoken in the country: Spanish.

Good to know

For more information about this country, check Telephone numbers begin with +506, the country's ISO code is CR, the domain name ".cr" is used by the country's websites


ISO code CR
Capital San José
Population 4,890,379
World percentage 0.066%
Main cities
Spoken languages Spanish
GDP (2021) $64,282,438,666
GDP position #76
Big Mac local price 2650.00₡
Big Mac USD price $3.91
Currency code CRC
Currency symbol
National dish Gallo pinto
TLD .cr
Phone prefix +506