Asternstraße, 84171 Baierbach: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 48.41436 / longitude: 12.20466
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In the surrounding area

Transports around Asternstraße

In fewer than 12 minutes, you can find a charging station ("Landshuter Str. 42") for your electric car. Do you need a parking? There is "Rathausplatz" at 18 minutes away by bike. A train station ("Geisenhausen") is located 14 minutes away by car. Need to fill up your car? The closest gas station ("Autohaus Neudecker") is only 5 minutes’ drive away. Your car is dirty? You can find a car wash ("Waschpark Kaspar") in the area in less than 7 minutes.

Education in Baierbach

Zum Vilserwirt is the most convieniently located playground: just 19 minutes away by bike. You can find a close school: "Grundschule", in fewer than 12 minutes by car. The closest nursery is named "Waldkindergarten Altfraunhofen" and is 7 minutes' away by car.


As far as catering and entertainment is concerned, you will find: a bar/cafe ("Wirthzbiche" at 6 minutes by car), an ice cream vendor ("Gelateria Giglio" at 7 minutes with your car), a cinema ("Kinocafé" at 13 minutes by car), a restaurant ("Gasthaus Rampl" at 4 minutes with your car).

Daily life

The area offers multiple services for your everyday needs: a town hall ("Rathaus" at 8 minutes with your car), a bank and/or an ATM ("VR-Bank" at 12 minutes by car), a park ("Volksfestplatz" at 7 minutes by car), a fire station ("Freiwillige Feuerwehr Altfraunhofen" at 6 minutes with your car), a hotel ("Landgasthof-Hotel Hachelstuhl" at 9 minutes by car), sport ("SV Neufraunhofen" at 17 minutes away by bike), a post office ("Post Vilsheim" at 10 minutes with your car).

Public transports

You can access this bus line: Bus RBO 6243/LAVV 312 (005): Landshut - Velden - Vilsbiburg with a stop 5 minutes away by foot.

Nearby cities

It takes about 35 minutes to reach Freising with your car. Straubing is 59 minutes away by car. Landshut is only 17 minutes away by car. It takes about 47 minutes to reach Bogenhausen with your car.


For any medical needs, you can find in the surroundings: a hospital ("Schlosspark, Isar-Amper-Klinikum" at 15 minutes by car), a dentist ("Zahnarzt Dr. Kirmayer" at 12 minutes with your car), a veterinarian ("Dr. Aigner" at 13 minutes by car), a pharmacy ("Alte Apotheke" at 8 minutes with your car), a doctor ("Hausärzte im Seisenberger" at 12 minutes with your car).


You can find do your purchases in this nearby butcher: "Metzgerei Kollmer" (7 minutes by car). There is a supermarket nearby: "Edeka" (18 minutes by bike or 5 minutes by car). You can buy your fresh bread in this nearby bakery: "Bäckerei Neudecker" (7 minutes by car).


The surroundings offer tourist interests: "Schloss Neufraunhofen" at 3 minutes by car.

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 31 Restaurants
  • 14 Bars/cafes
  • 1 Post office
  • 8 Bakeries
  • 7 Pharmacies
  • 14 Nurseries
  • 3 Charging stations
  • 3 Town halls
  • 2 Hotels
  • 19 Supermarkets
  • 2 Hospitals
  • 262 Bus
  • 22 Sport places
  • 1 Dentist
  • 9 Banks and/or ATMs
  • 7 Parks
  • 7 Doctors
  • 1 Train station
  • 7 Parkings
  • 20 Tourism places
  • 2 Ice cream vendors
  • 1 Cinema
  • 8 Schools
  • 13 Fire stations
  • 8 Gas stations
  • 6 Playgrounds
  • 8 Butchers
  • 5 Car washes
  • 1 Veterinarian

Closest areas



  • Waldkindergarten Altfraunhofen
    7 minutes
  • Grundschule
    12 minutes
  • Zum Vilserwirt
    5 minutes


  • Geisenhausen
    14 minutes
  • Landshuter Str. 42
    12 minutes
  • Autohaus Neudecker
    5 minutes
  • Waschpark Kaspar
    7 minutes


  • Metzgerei Kollmer
    7 minutes
  • Edeka
    5 minutes
  • Bäckerei Neudecker
    7 minutes


  • Wirthzbiche
    6 minutes
  • Gelateria Giglio
    7 minutes
  • Kinocafé
    13 minutes
  • Gasthaus Rampl
    4 minutes

Daily life

  • Rathaus
    8 minutes
  • VR-Bank
    12 minutes
  • Volksfestplatz
    7 minutes
  • Freiwillige Feuerwehr Altfraunhofen
    6 minutes
  • Landgasthof-Hotel Hachelstuhl
    9 minutes
  • SV Neufraunhofen
    5 minutes
  • Post Vilsheim
    10 minutes


  • Schlosspark, Isar-Amper-Klinikum
    15 minutes
  • Zahnarzt Dr. Kirmayer
    12 minutes
  • Dr. Aigner
    13 minutes
  • Alte Apotheke
    8 minutes
  • Hausärzte im Seisenberger
    12 minutes


  • Schloss Neufraunhofen
    3 minutes


  • Zum Vilserwirt
    19 minutes


  • Rathausplatz
    18 minutes


  • Edeka
    18 minutes


  • Wirthzbiche
    20 minutes
  • Gasthaus Rampl
    10 minutes

Daily life

  • Freiwillige Feuerwehr Altfraunhofen
    19 minutes
  • SV Neufraunhofen
    17 minutes


  • Schloss Neufraunhofen
    12 minutes


  • Baierbach
    5 minutes

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