The closest bus line is Bus RBO 6243/LAVV 312 (005): Landshut - Velden - Vilsbiburg with a stand 3 minutes’ walk away.
If you need bread, you have a bakery in the local area: "Bäckerei Neudecker" (7 minutes by car). You can find all your daily needs in this nearby supermarket: "Edeka" (17 minutes by bike or 4 minutes by car). For your purchases at the butcher, you have: "Metzgerei Kollmer" (8 minutes by car).
A train station ("Geisenhausen") is located 13 minutes away by car. Your car is dirty? You can find a car wash ("Waschpark Kaspar") in the area in less than 7 minutes. Do you have an electric car or plan to have one? The nearest charging station ("Neues Bürgerhaus") is only 13 minutes’ drive away. Need to fill up your car? The closest gas station ("Autohaus Neudecker") is only 4 minutes’ drive away. Do you need a parking? There is "Rathausplatz" at 17 minutes away by bike.
Looking for entertainment or food? The surrounding area offers the following services: an ice cream vendor ("Gelateria Giglio" at 8 minutes with your car), a restaurant ("Gasthaus Rampl" at 11 minutes away by bike), a bar/cafe ("Wirthzbiche" at 21 minutes with a bike).
For any medical needs, you can find in the surroundings: a veterinarian ("Dr. Aigner" at 13 minutes with your car), a hospital ("Schlosspark, Isar-Amper-Klinikum" at 15 minutes by car), a pharmacy ("Alte Apotheke" at 8 minutes with your car), a doctor ("Hausärzte im Seisenberger" at 11 minutes by car), a dentist ("Zahnarzt Dr. Kirmayer" at 12 minutes by car).
The area offers multiple services for your everyday needs: a fire station ("Freiwillige Feuerwehr Altfraunhofen" at 18 minutes with a bike), sport ("SV Neufraunhofen" at 18 minutes with a bike), a bank and/or an ATM ("VR-Bank" at 11 minutes by car), a park ("Volksfestplatz" at 7 minutes with your car), a town hall ("Rathaus" at 8 minutes by car), a hotel ("Landgasthof-Hotel Hachelstuhl" at 8 minutes with your car), a post office ("Post Vilsheim" at 10 minutes with your car).
In 34 minutes you can reach Freising. It takes about 58 minutes to reach Straubing with your car. In just 17 minutes by car you can reach Landshut. In 47 minutes you can reach Bogenhausen.
Looking for tourist points of interest in the area? You will find the following points: "Schloss Neufraunhofen" at 4 minutes by car.
You can find a close playground: "Zum Vilserwirt", in fewer than 5 minutes by car. The closest nursery is named "Waldkindergarten Altfraunhofen" and is 6 minutes' away by car. If you are looking for a school, "Grundschule" it is 12 minutes away by car.
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