If you are looking for a school, "Volksschule Hohenthann (Grundschule)" it is 8 minutes away by car. The closest nursery is named "Kindergarten Sankt Raphael" and is 7 minutes' away by car. You can find a close playground: "Schulhof Mittelschule", in fewer than 8 minutes by car.
There is a bus line close by: Bus LAVV 614: Rottenburg, Busbahnhof => Furth bei Landshut, Gymnasium with a stop reachable in fewer than 4 minutes as a pedestrian.
You can find all your daily needs in this nearby supermarket: "Lidl" (19 minutes by bike or 6 minutes by car). For your purchases at the butcher, you have: "Haindl" (22 minutes by bike or 7 minutes by car). You can buy your fresh bread in this nearby bakery: "Konditorei / Bäckerei Wöß" (7 minutes by car).
A train station ("Neuhausen (b. La.)") is located 12 minutes away by car. Need to fill up your car? The closest gas station ("OMV") is only 8 minutes’ drive away. Do you need a parking? There is "Tiefgarage" at 23 minutes away by bike. In fewer than 6 minutes, you can find a charging station ("Landshuter Str. 88") for your electric car.
In 34 minutes you can reach Freising. It takes about 52 minutes to reach Straubing with your car. In just 24 minutes by car you can reach Landshut. In 51 minutes you can reach Bogenhausen.
Looking for entertainment or food? The surrounding area offers the following services: a bar/cafe ("Biergarten Brauereigastof" at 7 minutes with your car), a restaurant ("Landgasthof Pichlmaier" at 1 minute with your car), an ice cream vendor ("top Gelato" at 7 minutes by car).
For your daily needs, you can find in the area: a park ("Stadtpark" at 7 minutes with your car), a fire station ("Freiwillige Feuerwehr Schmatzhausen" at 1 minute by car), a hotel ("Seminar- und Schulungszentrum Kloster Furth" at 12 minutes with your car), a post office ("Post" at 7 minutes by car), a bank and/or an ATM ("Raiffeisenbank" at 21 minutes away by bike), a police station ("Polizei" at 22 minutes away by bike), sport ("Sportheim" at 1 minute with your car), a town hall ("Rathaus Hohenthann" at 7 minutes by car).
The surroundings offer tourist interests: "Schloss Hohenthann" at 21 minutes with a bike.
For the medical needs, you will find in the area: a pharmacy ("Landgerichts Apotheke" at 6 minutes with your car), a dentist ("ZAHN Mißlinger" at 12 minutes by car), a doctor ("ambulantes Schlaflabor" at 21 minutes with a bike), a hospital ("Schlossklinik Rottenburg" at 10 minutes by car), a veterinarian ("Tierärzte Grätz" at 8 minutes with your car).
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