Karpatenweg 1, Landshut: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 48.551 / longitude: 12.1788
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Karpatenweg, in the surrounding area

Public transports around Karpatenweg 1

This listing is served with a bus line such as Bus 7: Obere Altstadt => Hofberg => Altstadt => Mitterwöhr with a stop 3 minutes away by foot.

Shopping in Landshut

There is a bakery in the area: "Bäckerei Mareis" (11 minutes by foot or 3 minutes by car). You can find do your purchases in this nearby butcher: "Metzger Mayer" (15 minutes by foot or 2 minutes by car). There is a supermarket nearby: "Lidl" (10 minutes by foot or 2 minutes by car).

Nearby cities

Only 27 minutes are needed to reach Freising with your car. Straubing is 41 minutes away by car. In 44 minutes you can reach Bogenhausen. Ingolstadt is 59 minutes away by car.


For entertainment or catering you can find the following services in the area: a bar/cafe ("Repair Cafe" at 12 minutes by foot), an ice cream vendor ("Riviera" at 34 minutes by foot), a cinema ("Kinopolis Landshut" at 10 minutes with a bike), a restaurant ("Mythos Landshut" at 6 minutes away by bike).


The closest university is named "Hochschule Landshut / Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften" and is 3 minutes' away by car. The nearest playground is called "Spielplatz Huchenweg" and is 19 minutes' walk away. Städtische Musikschule is the most convieniently located school: just 6 minutes away by bike. If you are looking for a nursery, "Caritas Kindergarten St. Peter und Paul" it is 2 minutes away by car.

Daily life

The area offers multiple services for your everyday needs: a hotel ("Gaststätte - Pension Bayerischer Hof" at 5 minutes away by bike), a police station ("Polizeiinspektion Landshut" at 13 minutes with a bike), a park ("Park Mitterwöhr" at 1 minute with your car), a bank and/or an ATM ("Sparkasse" at 9 minutes by foot), a fire station ("Freiwillige Feuerwehr Landshut (LZ 8 - Schönbrunn)" at 8 minutes with a bike), a town hall ("Rathaus Landshut" at 16 minutes away by bike), sport ("Landshuter Ruderverein" at 5 minutes walk), a post office ("Deutsche Post" at 8 minutes with your car).


Need to fill up your car? The closest gas station ("Aral") is only 2 minutes’ drive away. The nearest train station is "Landshut (Bay) Hbf": reachable in 5 minutes by car. Need to park a car? There is a parking lot ("Parkplatz Freizeit- u. Erholungspark Mitterwöhr") at 3 minutes walk. Do you need to charge an electric car? The nearest charging station ("Breslauer Straße 0") is just 1 minute away by car. Thanks to the "Volkswagen Zentrum Landshut Eichbichler GmbH & Co. GmbH" station, you can rent a car when you need one, in fewer than 10 minutes with your bike. You can clean your car at 5 minutes away thanks to "sms-cars Anhängerverleih und Autopflege". The motorway A 92 can be reached in 6 minutes.


The tourist offer of the surroundings is composed as follows: "Alte Kaserne" at 5 minutes away by bike.


The area offers multiple medical services: a veterinarian ("Tierarzt Dr. Markus Waibel" at 2 minutes by car), a doctor ("Hausarztpraxis Dr. med. Gerda Wiedemann" at 2 minutes with your car), a pharmacy ("Momentum Apotheke" at 2 minutes with your car), a dentist ("Dr. Igor Miksch" at 6 minutes with a bike), a hospital ("Kinderkrankenhaus Sankt Marien" at 16 minutes away by bike).

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 101 Bars/cafes
  • 65 Doctors
  • 21 Playgrounds
  • 1 University
  • 6 Car renting
  • 8 Post offices
  • 30 Fire stations
  • 6 Ice cream vendors
  • 3 Train stations
  • 2 Cinemas
  • 620 Bus
  • 118 Tourism places
  • 15 Car washes
  • 22 Hotels
  • 73 Bakeries
  • 30 Parks
  • 41 Nurseries
  • 96 Supermarkets
  • 73 Schools
  • 32 Pharmacies
  • 1 Bike rentals
  • 196 Restaurants
  • 22 Dentists
  • 22 Gas stations
  • 80 Sport places
  • 36 Charging stations
  • 8 Town halls
  • 75 Parkings
  • 21 Butchers
  • 16 Motorway entrances
  • 7 Hospitals
  • 52 Banks and/or ATMs
  • 3 Veterinarians
  • 2 Police stations

Closest areas



  • Caritas Kindergarten St. Peter und Paul
    2 minutes and 21 seconds
  • Städtische Musikschule
    2 minutes and 16 seconds
  • Hochschule Landshut / Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften
    3 minutes
  • Spielplatz Huchenweg
    4 minutes


  • Landshut (Bay) Hbf
    5 minutes
  • A 92
    6 minutes
  • Breslauer Straße 0
    37 seconds
  • Aral
    2 minutes and 1 second
  • sms-cars Anhängerverleih und Autopflege
    2 minutes and 12 seconds


  • Bäckerei Mareis
    2 minutes and 50 seconds
  • Metzger Mayer
    2 minutes and 21 seconds
  • Lidl
    2 minutes and 8 seconds


  • Repair Cafe
    2 minutes and 28 seconds
  • Riviera
    5 minutes
  • Kinopolis Landshut
    4 minutes
  • Mythos Landshut
    36 seconds

Daily life

  • Gaststätte - Pension Bayerischer Hof
    2 minutes and 20 seconds
  • Polizeiinspektion Landshut
    5 minutes
  • Park Mitterwöhr
    1 minute and 14 seconds
  • Sparkasse
    1 minute and 54 seconds
  • Freiwillige Feuerwehr Landshut (LZ 8 - Schönbrunn)
    4 minutes
  • Rathaus Landshut
    5 minutes
  • Landshuter Ruderverein
    44 seconds
  • Deutsche Post
    8 minutes


  • Tierarzt Dr. Markus Waibel
    2 minutes
  • Hausarztpraxis Dr. med. Gerda Wiedemann
    1 minute and 56 seconds
  • Momentum Apotheke
    2 minutes and 1 second
  • Dr. Igor Miksch
    2 minutes and 49 seconds
  • Kinderkrankenhaus Sankt Marien
    6 minutes


  • Alte Kaserne
    2 minutes and 26 seconds


  • Caritas Kindergarten St. Peter und Paul
    4 minutes
  • Städtische Musikschule
    6 minutes
  • Hochschule Landshut / Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften
    6 minutes
  • Spielplatz Huchenweg
    6 minutes


  • Landshut (Bay) Hbf
    15 minutes
  • Volkswagen Zentrum Landshut Eichbichler GmbH & Co. GmbH
    10 minutes
  • Parkplatz Freizeit- u. Erholungspark Mitterwöhr
    57 seconds


  • Bäckerei Mareis
    5 minutes
  • Metzger Mayer
    6 minutes
  • Lidl
    4 minutes


  • Repair Cafe
    5 minutes
  • Riviera
    10 minutes
  • Kinopolis Landshut
    10 minutes
  • Mythos Landshut
    6 minutes

Daily life

  • Gaststätte - Pension Bayerischer Hof
    5 minutes
  • Polizeiinspektion Landshut
    13 minutes
  • Park Mitterwöhr
    2 minutes and 46 seconds
  • Sparkasse
    4 minutes
  • Freiwillige Feuerwehr Landshut (LZ 8 - Schönbrunn)
    8 minutes
  • Rathaus Landshut
    16 minutes
  • Landshuter Ruderverein
    2 minutes and 31 seconds
  • Deutsche Post
    19 minutes


  • Tierarzt Dr. Markus Waibel
    5 minutes
  • Hausarztpraxis Dr. med. Gerda Wiedemann
    4 minutes
  • Momentum Apotheke
    4 minutes
  • Dr. Igor Miksch
    6 minutes
  • Kinderkrankenhaus Sankt Marien
    16 minutes


  • Alte Kaserne
    5 minutes


  • Caritas Kindergarten St. Peter und Paul
    12 minutes
  • Städtische Musikschule
    15 minutes
  • Hochschule Landshut / Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften
    17 minutes
  • Spielplatz Huchenweg
    19 minutes


  • Liegnitzer Straße
    2 minutes and 53 seconds
  • Parkplatz Freizeit- u. Erholungspark Mitterwöhr
    3 minutes


  • Bäckerei Mareis
    11 minutes
  • Metzger Mayer
    15 minutes
  • Lidl
    10 minutes


  • Repair Cafe
    12 minutes
  • Riviera
    34 minutes
  • Mythos Landshut
    10 minutes

Daily life

  • Gaststätte - Pension Bayerischer Hof
    15 minutes
  • Park Mitterwöhr
    8 minutes
  • Sparkasse
    9 minutes
  • Freiwillige Feuerwehr Landshut (LZ 8 - Schönbrunn)
    24 minutes
  • Landshuter Ruderverein
    5 minutes


  • Tierarzt Dr. Markus Waibel
    13 minutes
  • Hausarztpraxis Dr. med. Gerda Wiedemann
    9 minutes
  • Momentum Apotheke
    9 minutes
  • Dr. Igor Miksch
    21 minutes


  • Alte Kaserne
    12 minutes

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