In 32 minutes you can reach Freising. Straubing is 46 minutes away by car. Landshut is only 9 minutes away by car. It takes about 49 minutes to reach Bogenhausen with your car.
You can find do your purchases in this nearby butcher: "Metzgerei Brandl" (17 minutes by bike or 7 minutes by car). There is a bakery in the area: "Lothar Kretzschmars Backstube" (2 minutes by foot or 1 minute by car). There is a supermarket nearby: "Edeka" (2 minutes by foot or 1 minute by car).
The area offers multiple medical services: a pharmacy ("Linden-Apotheke" at 28 minutes with a bike), a dentist ("Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Peter Hoffmann & Kollegen" at 12 minutes by foot), a veterinarian ("Tierarzt Dr. Markus Waibel" at 5 minutes by car), a doctor ("Praxis Dr. med. Galina Hivrenko" at 1 minute with a bike), a hospital ("Kinderkrankenhaus Sankt Marien" at 23 minutes with a bike).
For your daily needs, you can find in the area: a post office ("DHL" at 13 minutes with your car), a police station ("Polizeiinspektion Landshut" at 8 minutes by car), a park ("Dessauer Platz" at 4 minutes away by bike), sport ("Basketballfeld" at 1 minute by car), a bank and/or an ATM ("Sparkasse" at 1 minute with your car), a town hall ("Rathaus Ergolding" at 29 minutes with a bike), a hotel ("Hotel Rosenhof" at 9 minutes with your car), a fire station ("Freiwillige Feuerwehr Landshut (LZ 8 - Schönbrunn)" at 4 minutes with your car).
Kindergarten St. Vinzenz is the most convieniently located nursery: just 1 minute away by bike. You can find a close school: "Container", in fewer than 1 minute by car. If you are looking for a university, "Hochschule Landshut / Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften" it is 4 minutes away by car. The closest playground is named "Spielplatz Otfried-Preußer-Ring" and is 11 minutes' away by car.
There is a bus line close by: Bus 3: Auloh => Altstadt => Hauptbahnhof => Wolfgangsiedlung with a stand 2 minutes’ walk away.
Looking for tourist points of interest in the area? You will find the following points: "Gegenkraft" at 3 minutes with your car.
As far as catering and entertainment is concerned, you will find: a bar/cafe ("Pizzeria Da Vittorio" at 2 minutes with a bike), a cinema ("Kinopolis Landshut" at 18 minutes with a bike), an ice cream vendor ("Riviera" at 20 minutes away by bike), a restaurant ("Pizzeria Da Vittorio" at 2 minutes away by bike).
A train station ("Landshut (Bay) Hbf") is located 10 minutes away by car. You can clean your car at 5 minutes away thanks to "Shell". For visitors or for your own needs, you can park your car in the car park "P5" 18. About 22 minutes bike away, you will find the "Audi Zentrum" station. In less than 10 minutes, you can find a gas station ("Shell") to fill up your gas tank. The motorway A 92 can be reached in 10 minutes. In fewer than 1 minute, you can find a charging station ("Neckarplatz") for your electric car.
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