Lechstraße 5, 84036 Landshut: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 48.56673 / longitude: 12.20378
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Lechstraße, in the surrounding area

Medical around Lechstraße 5

The area offers multiple medical services: a hospital ("Kinderkrankenhaus Sankt Marien" at 9 minutes with your car), a dentist ("Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Peter Hoffmann & Kollegen" at 3 minutes by car), a veterinarian ("Tierarzt Dr. Markus Waibel" at 13 minutes with a bike), a pharmacy ("Linden-Apotheke" at 10 minutes with your car), a doctor ("Praxis Dr. med. Galina Hivrenko" at 1 minute away by bike).

Education in Landshut

You can find a close university: "Hochschule Landshut / Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften", in fewer than 4 minutes by car. The nearest school is called "Container" and is 5 minutes' walk away. Spielplatz Huchenweg is the most convieniently located playground: just 8 minutes away by bike. You can find a convienient nursery: "Kindergarten St. Vinzenz", 4 minutes away by foot.


For entertainment or catering you can find the following services in the area: a restaurant ("Pizzeria Da Vittorio" at 7 minutes walk), an ice cream vendor ("Riviera" at 20 minutes with a bike), a cinema ("Kinopolis Landshut" at 7 minutes by car), a bar/cafe ("Pizzeria Da Vittorio" at 1 minute by car).


If you need bread, you have a bakery in the local area: "Lothar Kretzschmars Backstube" (2 minutes by foot or 1 minute by car). There is a supermarket nearby: "Edeka" (2 minutes by foot or 1 minute by car). There is a butcher nearby: "Metzgerei Brandl" (17 minutes by bike or 7 minutes by car).

Public transports

You can access this bus line: Bus 3: Auloh => Altstadt => Hauptbahnhof => Wolfgangsiedlung with a stop 2 minutes away by foot.


Looking for tourist points of interest in the area? You will find the following points: "Gegenkraft" at 20 minutes walk.

Nearby cities

It takes about 32 minutes to reach Freising with your car. In 46 minutes you can reach Straubing. In just 9 minutes by car you can reach Landshut. Bogenhausen is 49 minutes away by car.


The motorway A 92 can be reached in 10 minutes. Your car is dirty? You can find a car wash ("Shell") in the area in less than 11 minutes. Do you need to charge an electric car? The nearest charging station ("Neckarplatz") is just 1 minute away by car. A train station ("Landshut (Bay) Hbf") is located 10 minutes away by car. You don’t want to own a car, but you still occasionally need one? There is the "Audi Zentrum" station where you can rent a shared vehicle just 22 minutes away by bike. In less than 10 minutes, you can find a gas station ("Shell") to fill up your gas tank. Do you need a parking? There is "P5" at 6 minutes away by bike.

Daily life

The area offers multiple services for your everyday needs: sport ("Basketballfeld" at 1 minute with your car), a hotel ("Hotel Rosenhof" at 19 minutes with a bike), a park ("Dessauer Platz" at 12 minutes by foot), a bank and/or an ATM ("Sparkasse" at 1 minute by car), a town hall ("Rathaus Ergolding" at 11 minutes with your car), a police station ("Polizeiinspektion Landshut" at 8 minutes with your car), a post office ("DHL" at 13 minutes by car), a fire station ("Freiwillige Feuerwehr Landshut (LZ 8 - Schönbrunn)" at 9 minutes away by bike).

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 6 Car renting
  • 2 Police stations
  • 62 Doctors
  • 27 Pharmacies
  • 7 Hospitals
  • 47 Banks and/or ATMs
  • 81 Supermarkets
  • 37 Nurseries
  • 28 Fire stations
  • 1 University
  • 78 Sport places
  • 18 Dentists
  • 21 Gas stations
  • 3 Veterinarians
  • 1 Bike rentals
  • 72 Schools
  • 20 Hotels
  • 578 Bus
  • 113 Tourism places
  • 184 Restaurants
  • 29 Parks
  • 20 Playgrounds
  • 17 Butchers
  • 78 Parkings
  • 62 Bakeries
  • 31 Charging stations
  • 2 Cinemas
  • 12 Car washes
  • 16 Motorway entrances
  • 100 Bars/cafes
  • 7 Post offices
  • 1 Train station
  • 7 Town halls
  • 6 Ice cream vendors

Closest areas



  • Kindergarten St. Vinzenz
    56 seconds
  • Container
    53 seconds
  • Hochschule Landshut / Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften
    4 minutes
  • Spielplatz Huchenweg
    6 minutes


  • Landshut (Bay) Hbf
    10 minutes
  • A 92
    10 minutes
  • Neckarplatz
    34 seconds
  • Shell
    10 minutes
  • Shell
    11 minutes


  • Lothar Kretzschmars Backstube
    29 seconds
  • Edeka
    24 seconds
  • Metzgerei Brandl
    7 minutes


  • Pizzeria Da Vittorio
    1 minute and 19 seconds
  • Riviera
    10 minutes
  • Kinopolis Landshut
    7 minutes
  • Pizzeria Da Vittorio
    1 minute and 17 seconds

Daily life

  • Basketballfeld
    53 seconds
  • Hotel Rosenhof
    9 minutes
  • Dessauer Platz
    2 minutes and 15 seconds
  • Sparkasse
    37 seconds
  • Rathaus Ergolding
    11 minutes
  • Polizeiinspektion Landshut
    8 minutes
  • DHL
    13 minutes
  • Freiwillige Feuerwehr Landshut (LZ 8 - Schönbrunn)
    4 minutes


  • Kinderkrankenhaus Sankt Marien
    9 minutes
  • Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Peter Hoffmann & Kollegen
    2 minutes and 38 seconds
  • Tierarzt Dr. Markus Waibel
    5 minutes
  • Linden-Apotheke
    10 minutes
  • Praxis Dr. med. Galina Hivrenko
    33 seconds


  • Gegenkraft
    2 minutes and 48 seconds


  • Kindergarten St. Vinzenz
    1 minute and 19 seconds
  • Container
    1 minute and 46 seconds
  • Hochschule Landshut / Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften
    10 minutes
  • Spielplatz Huchenweg
    8 minutes


  • Audi Zentrum
    22 minutes
  • P5
    6 minutes


  • Lothar Kretzschmars Backstube
    40 seconds
  • Edeka
    33 seconds
  • Metzgerei Brandl
    17 minutes


  • Pizzeria Da Vittorio
    1 minute and 50 seconds
  • Riviera
    20 minutes
  • Kinopolis Landshut
    18 minutes
  • Pizzeria Da Vittorio
    1 minute and 48 seconds

Daily life

  • Basketballfeld
    2 minutes and 32 seconds
  • Hotel Rosenhof
    19 minutes
  • Dessauer Platz
    4 minutes
  • Sparkasse
    51 seconds
  • Rathaus Ergolding
    29 minutes
  • Freiwillige Feuerwehr Landshut (LZ 8 - Schönbrunn)
    9 minutes


  • Kinderkrankenhaus Sankt Marien
    23 minutes
  • Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Peter Hoffmann & Kollegen
    4 minutes
  • Tierarzt Dr. Markus Waibel
    13 minutes
  • Linden-Apotheke
    28 minutes
  • Praxis Dr. med. Galina Hivrenko
    46 seconds


  • Gegenkraft
    8 minutes


  • Kindergarten St. Vinzenz
    4 minutes
  • Container
    5 minutes


  • Pregelweg
    2 minutes
  • P5
    18 minutes


  • Lothar Kretzschmars Backstube
    2 minutes and 26 seconds
  • Edeka
    2 minutes and 1 second


  • Pizzeria Da Vittorio
    7 minutes
  • Pizzeria Da Vittorio
    6 minutes

Daily life

  • Basketballfeld
    5 minutes
  • Dessauer Platz
    12 minutes
  • Sparkasse
    3 minutes
  • Freiwillige Feuerwehr Landshut (LZ 8 - Schönbrunn)
    31 minutes


  • Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Peter Hoffmann & Kollegen
    12 minutes
  • Praxis Dr. med. Galina Hivrenko
    2 minutes and 48 seconds


  • Gegenkraft
    20 minutes

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