Reutstraße, Neufahrn In Niederbayern: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 48.73576 / longitude: 12.1934
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In the surrounding area

Transports around Reutstraße

Need to park a car? There is a parking lot ("Schloßhotel Neufahrn") at 6 minutes walk. Your car is dirty? You can find a car wash ("Wendel & Karl SB-Waschcenter - car wash") in the area in less than 4 minutes. Do you need to charge an electric car? The nearest charging station ("Rathaus") is just 1 minute away by car. You need to refuel you car? The nearest gas station ("Avia") is just 1 minute away by car. A train station ("Neufahrn (Niederbayern)") is located 4 minutes away by bike, or 1 minute by car.

Medical in Neufahrn In Niederbayern

For any medical needs, you can find in the surroundings: a veterinarian ("Carolin Weiß-Grauschopf" at 14 minutes with a bike), a dentist ("Zahnärzte im alten Rathaus" at 1 minute with a bike), a doctor ("Praxis für Arbeits- und Verkehrsmedizin" at 12 minutes by foot), a pharmacy ("Marien-Apotheke" at 2 minutes away by bike), a hospital ("Kreisklinik Mallersdorf" at 9 minutes by car).

Nearby cities

Freising is 37 minutes away by car. It takes about 35 minutes to reach Straubing with your car. In just 23 minutes by car you can reach Landshut. In 54 minutes you can reach Ingolstadt.


For your food shopping, you have: "Netto Marken-Discount" (9 minutes by foot or 4 minutes by car). If you need bread, you have a bakery in the local area: "Bäckerei Hatzl" (4 minutes by foot or 1 minute by car). For your purchases at the butcher, you have: "Wiesmüller" (4 minutes by foot or 1 minute by car).


Looking for tourist points of interest in the area? You will find the following points: "Jugendtreff Lokschuppen" at 11 minutes walk.

Daily life

The area offers multiple services for your everyday needs: a bank and/or an ATM ("Sparkasse Landshut" at 5 minutes by foot), sport ("Mini Golf Neufahrn" at 4 minutes away by bike), a fire station ("Feuerwehr Neufahrn i.NB." at 11 minutes walk), a post office ("DHL" at 2 minutes with a bike), a hotel ("Schloßhotel Neufahrn" at 6 minutes by foot), a town hall ("Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Ergoldsbach" at 18 minutes away by bike), a park ("Klostergarten" at 10 minutes by car), a police station ("Polizeistation Mallersdorf-Pfaffenberg" at 8 minutes with your car).


You can find a close nursery: "Kinderkrippe Lummerland", in fewer than 2 minutes by car. You can find a convienient school: "Realschule Neufahrn", 3 minutes away by foot. If you are looking for a playground, "Kindergarten" it is 9 minutes away by car.

Public transports

You can access this bus line: Bus RBO 6264/LAVV 622/VSL 46: Neufahrn in NB, Realschule => Langquaid, Wendeplatz with a stand 2 minutes’ walk away.


For entertainment or catering you can find the following services in the area: an ice cream vendor ("Eiscafe De Stefano" at 4 minutes walk), a restaurant ("Pizzeria Restaurant Rivera" at 5 minutes walk), a bar/cafe ("Eddy’s" at 1 minute with your car).

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 1 Police station
  • 12 Tourism places
  • 11 Fire stations
  • 30 Restaurants
  • 2 Hospitals
  • 16 Sport places
  • 5 Post offices
  • 1 Park
  • 16 Supermarkets
  • 10 Doctors
  • 9 Banks and/or ATMs
  • 6 Bakeries
  • 3 Train stations
  • 4 Charging stations
  • 1 Playground
  • 5 Nurseries
  • 9 Butchers
  • 1 Car wash
  • 4 Dentists
  • 1 Town hall
  • 13 Bars/cafes
  • 4 Parkings
  • 3 Ice cream vendors
  • 2 Hotels
  • 339 Bus
  • 5 Pharmacies
  • 10 Schools
  • 3 Veterinarians
  • 7 Gas stations

Closest areas



  • Kinderkrippe Lummerland
    2 minutes and 1 second
  • Realschule Neufahrn
    29 seconds
  • Kindergarten
    9 minutes


  • Neufahrn (Niederbayern)
    1 minute and 23 seconds
  • Rathaus
    31 seconds
  • Avia
    26 seconds
  • Wendel & Karl SB-Waschcenter - car wash
    4 minutes


  • Netto Marken-Discount
    4 minutes
  • Bäckerei Hatzl
    23 seconds
  • Wiesmüller
    27 seconds


  • Eiscafe De Stefano
    24 seconds
  • Pizzeria Restaurant Rivera
    28 seconds
  • Eddy’s
    13 seconds

Daily life

  • Sparkasse Landshut
    30 seconds
  • Mini Golf Neufahrn
    1 minute and 4 seconds
  • Feuerwehr Neufahrn i.NB.
    1 minute and 17 seconds
  • DHL
    36 seconds
  • Schloßhotel Neufahrn
    50 seconds
  • Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Ergoldsbach
    6 minutes
  • Klostergarten
    10 minutes
  • Polizeistation Mallersdorf-Pfaffenberg
    8 minutes


  • Carolin Weiß-Grauschopf
    5 minutes
  • Zahnärzte im alten Rathaus
    18 seconds
  • Praxis für Arbeits- und Verkehrsmedizin
    1 minute and 18 seconds
  • Marien-Apotheke
    37 seconds
  • Kreisklinik Mallersdorf
    9 minutes


  • Jugendtreff Lokschuppen
    1 minute and 17 seconds


  • Kinderkrippe Lummerland
    6 minutes
  • Realschule Neufahrn
    55 seconds


  • Neufahrn (Niederbayern)
    4 minutes
  • Schloßhotel Neufahrn
    1 minute and 51 seconds


  • Netto Marken-Discount
    2 minutes and 51 seconds
  • Bäckerei Hatzl
    1 minute and 2 seconds
  • Wiesmüller
    1 minute and 16 seconds


  • Eiscafe De Stefano
    1 minute and 8 seconds
  • Pizzeria Restaurant Rivera
    1 minute and 15 seconds
  • Eddy’s
    37 seconds

Daily life

  • Sparkasse Landshut
    1 minute and 22 seconds
  • Mini Golf Neufahrn
    4 minutes
  • Feuerwehr Neufahrn i.NB.
    3 minutes
  • DHL
    1 minute and 33 seconds
  • Schloßhotel Neufahrn
    2 minutes and 43 seconds
  • Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Ergoldsbach
    18 minutes


  • Carolin Weiß-Grauschopf
    14 minutes
  • Zahnärzte im alten Rathaus
    51 seconds
  • Praxis für Arbeits- und Verkehrsmedizin
    3 minutes
  • Marien-Apotheke
    1 minute and 41 seconds


  • Jugendtreff Lokschuppen
    3 minutes


  • Kinderkrippe Lummerland
    19 minutes
  • Realschule Neufahrn
    3 minutes


  • Neufahrn (Niederbayern)
    11 minutes
  • Neufahrn, Realschule
    1 minute and 56 seconds
  • Schloßhotel Neufahrn
    6 minutes


  • Netto Marken-Discount
    9 minutes
  • Bäckerei Hatzl
    4 minutes
  • Wiesmüller
    4 minutes


  • Eiscafe De Stefano
    4 minutes
  • Pizzeria Restaurant Rivera
    5 minutes
  • Eddy’s
    2 minutes and 15 seconds

Daily life

  • Sparkasse Landshut
    5 minutes
  • Mini Golf Neufahrn
    7 minutes
  • Feuerwehr Neufahrn i.NB.
    11 minutes
  • DHL
    6 minutes
  • Schloßhotel Neufahrn
    6 minutes


  • Zahnärzte im alten Rathaus
    3 minutes
  • Praxis für Arbeits- und Verkehrsmedizin
    12 minutes
  • Marien-Apotheke
    6 minutes


  • Jugendtreff Lokschuppen
    11 minutes

Street numbers

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