As "Europcar Office مكتب وروكار", 1 car renting exist in the area. You can find 2 gas stations locally like "Rubis - Quartier Aviation", "NOC"
In term of banks and/or ATMs you can find 2 places (like "BOA - Agence de l'Aviation", "Bank of Africa"). For hotels you have 2 places with "Auberge Bimiulaos نزل بيميولاوس", "Oceania أوسيانيا" for example. The area offers 1 spots in the "sport places" category.
In term of dentists you can find 1 location in the region (like "Clinique Dentaire de Djibouti").
In term of tourism places you can find 1 places (like "Mahatma Gandhi مهاتما غاندي").
The area offers 2 spots in the "schools" category.
You can find 10 restaurants locally like "Restaurant Habecha", "Allo Pizza", "Cultures'ine Japanese Food" In term of bars/cafes you can find 4 location in the region (like "The Spot Coffee", "La Petite Métisse", "Snack Time").
For supermarkets you have 7 locations. As "Boulangerie du CPE", 1 bakeries exist in the area.
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