Denmark: all about this country and its main places!

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General Information About Denmark


There are 5,724,456 inhabitants, or 0.077% of the population of planet earth.


In this country, a Big Mac is sold at 32.00kr (around $4.82 USD). In 2021 the GDP was $398,303,272,764 USD, which ranks it number 35 in the world. The local currency (DKK) is represented by the symbol kr.


This nation's capital is Copenhagen and the country shares a border with Germany. The area of the country is 43,094 km², a postcode system is employed and the main cities are: Hjørring, Slagelse, Vejle, Horsens, Roskilde. Here are the different languages spoken in the country: Danish.


There are UNESCO listed sites in this country: Roskilde Cathedral, Kronborg Castle, Jelling Mounds, Runic Stones and Church, Ilulissat Icefjord, Stevns Klint. Well known national dishes are: fried pork and potato-based dish.


This country offers several reputable universities like University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University, Technical University of Denmark, University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg University.

Good to know is a good place to find out more details on this country. Phone numbers start with +45, the country's ISO code is DK, the domain name ".dk" is used by the country's websites


Flag dk flag
ISO code DK
Capital Copenhagen
Population 5,724,456
World percentage 0.077%
Main cities
Spoken languages Danish
GDP (2021) $398,303,272,764
GDP position #35
Big Mac local price 32.00kr
Big Mac USD price $4.82
Currency code DKK
Currency symbol kr
National dish fried pork and potato-based dish
TLD .dk
Phone prefix +45


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