In term of hospitals you can find 17 location in the region (like "د.محمد البراغى", "نقطة اسعاف الحى السابع", "مستشفى الشرطة"). For dentists you have 3 places with "Brilliant", "911 Dental Clinic" for example. About pharmacies, 23 possibilities exist (like "صيدلية أبو علي", "Dr. Ahmad Maher").
About sport places, 18 possibilities exist (like "مركز شباب الحي السادس", "نادى مصر للتأمين", "نادى وادى دجلة"). For police stations you have 3 locations. As "Golden Tulip Hotel October", "Sheraton Dreamland", 6 hotels exist in the area. You can find 17 parks locally like "حديقة الجهاز", "ماجيك لاند", "نادى بالم هيلز" In term of banks and/or ATMs you can find 19 location in the region (like "بنك عودة", "أتش أس بى سى مصر"). In term of town halls you can find 1 places (like "جهاز مدينة 6 أكتوبر"). For post offices you have 3 places with "مكتب بريد الحى السادس", "الشركة الدولية للخدمات البريدية ايجى سيرف مركز الطباعة والتظريف", "مكتب بريد الحي السابع" for example. The area offers 1 spots in the "fire stations" category.
The area offers 20 spots in the "tourism places" category.
For butchers you have 1 locations. As "منهاتن للمخبوزات", "طيبه", 3 bakeries exist in the area. You can find 87 supermarkets locally like "الشيخ", "جولدن مول"
In term of schools you can find 51 location in the region (like "Talent Language School", "نادي نيوجيزة الرياضي"). In term of universities you can find 13 places (like "مدينة الثقافة والعلوم", "معهد اكتوبر العالى للهندسة والتكنولوجيا (ادرة اعمال)"). For playgrounds you have 1 places with "بيلى بيز" for example.
The area offers 3 spots in the "cinemas" category. For bars/cafes you have 20 locations. You can find 56 restaurants locally like "نور الأسلام للأسماك", "صحارى", "الرفاعي"
These are the principal streets: شارع 2, شارع 15, طريق التحرير, شارع عبد السلام أمين, شارع 6.
In term of parkings you can find 32 location in the region (like "انتظار سيارات", "ساحة انتظار سيارات - فوادفون خاص"). In term of car washes you can find 2 places (like "مركز الفهد لغسيل السيارات", "مغسلة سيارات بانوراما"). For gas stations you have 14 places with "الحصري", "Chill Out" for example. The area offers 1 spots in the "car renting" category. For charging stations you have 2 locations. You can find 41 motorway entrances locally like "516", ""
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