The major streets are the following: Senhit Street شارع سينهيت, ጎደና ሃገር፣ شارع هاجر፣ Hager Street, ጎደና ሕሽመለ፣ Hishmele Street شارع اشمولى, Bdho Ave شارع التحدي, Akeleguzay Street شارع أكيليغوزاي.
In term of butchers you can find 1 location in the region (like "Barka"). In term of supermarkets you can find 2 places (like "Senay Supermarket سوبر ماركت سني", "Wikianos Supermarket سوبرماركت ويكيانس"). For bakeries you have 1 places with "Alpha Bakery مخبز ألفا" for example.
About cinemas, 4 possibilities exist (like "ሲነማ ኣስመራ", "ሲነማ ኤምፔሮ", "H-MAX video store"). The area offers 1 spots in the "ice cream vendors" category. For restaurants you have 41 locations. As "ሮያል ካፈ", "ገብረትንሳኤ ፓትሲቸርያ Ghebretinsae Patsicceria", 46 bars/cafes exist in the area.
In term of pharmacies you can find 6 places (like "Pharmacy No. 5 / صيدلية رقم 5", "ፋርማሲ ናጽነት", "ፋርማሲ ሓማሴን"). For hospitals you have 1 places with "مجمع السلام الطبي Salam Polyclinic" for example.
About gas stations, 11 possibilities exist (like "Tamoil تام أويل", "መሸጣ ነዳዲ መብራህቱ", "Total توتال").
In term of post offices you can find 1 places (like "Eritrean Postal Service الخدمة البريدية الإرترية"). For banks and/or ATMs you have 5 places with "Commercial Bank of Eritrea البنك التجاري الإرتري", "ባንክ البنك الوطني لإرتريا" for example. About hotels, 21 possibilities exist (like "Crystal Hotel فندق كريستال", "Concord Pension"). The area offers 1 spots in the "town halls" category. As "Multi Sports Club (Bowling Center) / نادي رياضي متعدد (مركز البولينغ)", 1 sport places exist in the area. You can find 2 parks locally like "ኮመሰራታ ሓማሴን", "ሜዳ ኤርትራ ميدان إرتريا"
For schools you have 6 locations. As "GS", 1 nurseries exist in the area.
In term of tourism places you can find 12 location in the region (like "Odeon أوديون", "Abel's home").
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