Antikantie, 57810 Savonlinna: what's around?

latitude: 61.8876 / longitude: 28.69509

In the surrounding area

Education around Antikantie

You can find a close nursery: "Peukku", in fewer than 8 minutes by car. The closest school is named "Kallislahden koulu" and is 11 minutes' away by car.

Transports in Savonlinna

For holidays or business, you can reach Savonlinna in fewer than 33 minutes by car. Your car is dirty? You can find a car wash ("City Car Wash") in the area in less than 13 minutes. Do you need to charge an electric car? The nearest charging station ("Motonet") is just 13 minutes away by car. In less than 10 minutes, you can find a gas station ("Teboil") to fill up your gas tank.


The area offers multiple medical services: a dentist ("Wiisaudenhammas" at 14 minutes with your car), a veterinarian ("Savonlinnan Eläinlääkäriasema" at 9 minutes by car), a pharmacy ("Savon Apteekin sivuapteekki" at 11 minutes with your car), a hospital ("Savonlinnan sosiaali- ja terveyskeskus" at 12 minutes by car).


You can find all your daily needs in this nearby supermarket: "ShopRite" (10 minutes by car).

Daily life

The area offers multiple services for your everyday needs: a post office ("Tennis- ja squashkeskus" at 11 minutes with your car), sport ("Aholahden ampumarata" at 21 minutes away by bike), a park ("Seppälä" at 11 minutes by car), a bank and/or an ATM ("Otto" at 9 minutes with your car).


For entertainment or catering you can find the following services in the area: a bar/cafe ("Kahvio kioski Hannu ja Kerttu" at 57 minutes walk), a restaurant ("Alanya" at 10 minutes with your car).


The tourist offer of the surroundings is composed as follows: "Tilajoenlahti" at 17 minutes with your car.

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 4 Parks
  • 1 Nursery
  • 1 Tourism place
  • 1 Bar/cafe
  • 2 Sport places
  • 1 School
  • 1 Gas station

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Daily life




Daily life


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