Fiji: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: -17.10241 / longitude: -3.25

General information


The capital of this country is Suva. Country territory measures 18,272 kmĀ², a postcode system isn't employed and the main cities are: Suva, Labasa, Nadi, Nasinu, Suva. People from this country speak these languages: English, Fijian.


The sign for the local currency is $ (FJD). In 2021 the GDP was $4,296,304,590 USD, which ranks it number 147 in the world.


The median age of the population is 29.90 years with a birth growth rate of 0.42%. There are 867,000 inhabitants, or 0.0116% of the population of planet earth.


There are UNESCO listed sites in this country: Levuka Historical Port Town.

Good to know

Telephone numbers begin with +679, the country's websites have the domain name ".fj", the country's ISO code is FJ is a good place to find out more details on this country.


ISO code FJ
Capital Suva
Population 867,000
World percentage 0.0116%
Median age 29.90 years
Population growth rate 0.42%
Main cities
Spoken languages English, Fijian
GDP (2021) $4,296,304,590
GDP position #147
Currency code FJD
Currency symbol $
TLD .fj
Phone prefix +679