France: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 46.26577 / longitude: 2.2072

General information


Here are the different languages spoken in the country: French. This nation's capital is Paris and the country shares a border with Andorra, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Spain, Switzerland. 551,695 km² make up the entire country, they use a postcode system and the key cities are: Paris, Toulouse, Rennes, Quimper, Dunkerque.


Well known national dishes are: Crêpe, Pot-au-feu, Macaron, Bisque. This nation has UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Mont-Saint-Michel and its Bay, Chartres Cathedral, Palace and Park of Versailles, Vézelay, Church and Hill, Prehistoric Sites and Decorated Caves of the Vézère Valley.


This country offers several reputable universities like PSL University, Paris-Saclay University, Sorbonne University, Paris City University, Institut Polytechnique de Paris. The inhabitants stay 16 years in school (tertiary education included).


The currency ISO code is EUR and the currency symbol is €. In this country, a Big Mac is sold at 4.70€ (that corresponds to $4.82 USD). It is ranked 7# in the world with a GDP of $2,957,879,759,263 USD in 2021.


With a birth growth rate at 0.31%, the median age is 41.70 years. This country represents 0.9% of the world's population with about 66,790,000 individuals.

Good to know

Telephone numbers begin with +33, the country's ISO code is FR, the domain name ".fr" is used by the country's websites is a good place to find out more details on this country.


ISO code FR
Capital Paris
Population 66,790,000
World percentage 0.9%
Median age 41.70 years
Population growth rate 0.31%
Main cities
Spoken languages French
GDP (2021) $2,957,879,759,263
GDP position #7
Big Mac local price 4.70€
Big Mac USD price $4.82
Currency code EUR
Currency symbol
School life expectancy 16 years
National dish Crêpe, Pot-au-feu, Macaron, Bisque
TLD .fr
Phone prefix +33

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