For dentists you have 18 places with "Wilton House Dental", "Rumney Hill Dental Surgery" for example. The area offers 36 spots in the "pharmacies" category. For doctors you have 30 locations. As "Vale Veterinary Centre", "Valley Vets Ltd", 11 veterinarians exist in the area. You can find 26 hospitals locally like "Noah's Ark Childrens Hospital", "Whitchurch Road Surgery", "Butetown Medical Practice"
You can find 480 restaurants locally like "Mowglis Indian Takeaway", "Mama's Kebab House", "Punitha's" In term of cinemas you can find 5 location in the region (like "Odeon", "Vue"). In term of ice cream vendors you can find 8 places (like "Joe's Ice Cream", "BisGottis", "Coco Gelato"). For bars/cafes you have 415 places with "Starbucks", "Cafe Castan", "The Gathering Ground" for example.
The area offers 52 spots in the "hotels" category. For sport places you have 70 locations. You can find 41 post offices locally like "Rumney Post Office", "Splott Post Office", "St Isan Road Post Office" In term of police stations you can find 7 location in the region (like "Rumney Police Station", "Fairwater Police Station"). For banks and/or ATMs you have 42 places with "Halifax", "Lloyds Bank" for example. About parks, 106 possibilities exist (like "Glamorganshire Canal Local Nature Reserve", "Glider Field"). The area offers 3 spots in the "fire stations" category. For town halls you have 2 locations.
For tourism places you have 157 locations.
The major cities are the following: Cardiff, Llanishen, Rumney.
In term of playgrounds you can find 11 location in the region (like "Ants Inya Pants", "Pontprennau Woods Playground"). In term of schools you can find 172 places (like "Pontprennau Primary School", "Cardiff West Community High School", "St Johns College"). For nurseries you have 12 places with "The Learning Tree Day Nursery", "Tremorfa Nursery School", "Ninian Nurseries" for example. The area offers 75 spots in the "universities" category.
For bike rentals you have 65 locations. As "Ibis Customer Car Park", "Heathwood Lane Short stay carpark", "Crwys Medical Centre Car Park", 78 parkings exist in the area. You can find 5 car renting locally like "Enterprise", "Days Rental", "Europcar" In term of motorway entrances you can find 12 location in the region (like "M4"). In term of gas stations you can find 29 places (like "Texaco", "Morrisons Petrol Station", "Welcome Break Cardiff Gate"). For car washes you have 8 places with "Waves Car Wash", "All-Star Car Wash" for example. The area offers 11 spots in the "bus" category. For train stations you have 21 locations. As "NCP Dumfries Place", "St Davids Shopping Centre Car Park", 58 charging stations exist in the area.
As "The Goumet Butcher", "K Blackmore & Sons", 17 butchers exist in the area. In term of bakeries you can find 26 location in the region (like "Brød - The Danish Bakery", "Memory Lane Cakes"). In term of supermarkets you can find 258 places (like "Nisa Local", "Tudor Motors", "Tesco Extra").
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