You can find 60 veterinarians locally like "Zetland Vetinary Hospital", "Chapel Farm Rehab", "Viking Vets" In term of pharmacies you can find 137 location in the region (like "Midsomer Pharmacy", "Boots", "Lloyds Pharmacy"). In term of dentists you can find 107 places (like "Clifton Dental Studio", "Somerford House Family Dental Practice"). For doctors you have 97 places with "Oakhill GP Surgery", "Wedmore Surgery" for example. About hospitals, 147 possibilities exist (like "Westbury Chiropractic Clinic", "Yate Ambulance Station", "Footworks").
For butchers you have 73 places with "Iqbal Butchers", "Easton Halal Butcher", "Cobbs of Cheddar" for example. About bakeries, 87 possibilities exist (like "Basil Bakery", "Hart's Bakery", "Parsons"). The area offers 753 spots in the "supermarkets" category.
The major cities are the following: Bristol, Avonmouth, Kingswood.
For schools you have 559 locations. As "Bevington Play Area", "Felix Road Adventure Playground", "Undy School Playground", 89 playgrounds exist in the area. In term of universities you can find 107 location in the region (like "Ada Lovelace Building", "H", "Arts/Humanities"). In term of nurseries you can find 182 places (like "Staple Hill Stars Preschool", "Rosemary Nursery School & Children's Centre").
For bars/cafes you have 1455 places with "Scrumptious", "The Guinness Bar", "The Boot" for example. About ice cream vendors, 9 possibilities exist (like "Luxury Farmhouse Icecream", "Berries & Nuts"). The area offers 16 spots in the "cinemas" category. For restaurants you have 1324 locations.
The area offers 77 spots in the "gas stations" category. For bus you have 114 locations. As "The Galleries", "Vehicle Storage Yard (Autologic)", "Tythe Barn Car Park", 308 parkings exist in the area. You can find 2 bike rentals locally like "Bristol Temple Meads Dock", "Warmley Wheelers" In term of charging stations you can find 260 places (like "Bristol-Lysander Road Supercharger", "Magor Roadchef M4 Services", "NCP Broadmead"). For car washes you have 32 places with "IMO Car Wash", "Shirehampton Hand Car Wash", "Nice & Clean" for example. About airports, 1 possibilities exist (like "Bristol"). The area offers 88 spots in the "motorway entrances" category. For car renting you have 38 locations. As "Avon Riverside", "Severn Tunnel Junction", "Montpelier", 32 train stations exist in the area.
You can find 1120 tourism places locally like "Brunel Cycling", ""Feathers" Gromit"
As "Kingswood Gymnastics Trampolining & Team Gym Ltd", "Totterdown United FC", "Cricket Pavilion", 303 sport places exist in the area. You can find 20 fire stations locally like "Bristol Airport Fire Station", "Caldicot", "Avon Fire & Rescue Headquarters" In term of post offices you can find 116 location in the region (like "Winford Post Office", "Sandy Park Road Post Office", "Mangotsfield Post Office"). In term of parks you can find 577 places (like "Shortwood Common", "Ellacombe Green"). For police stations you have 21 places with "Operations Department (North)", "Black Rock Specialist Training Centre" for example. About town halls, 27 possibilities exist (like "Portishead Town Council Offices and Folk Hall", "Stoke Bishop Village Hall"). The area offers 122 spots in the "banks and/or ATMs" category. As "White Hart Hotel", "Victoria Square Hotel", "Holiday Inn Bristol Filton", 110 hotels exist in the area.
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